Because judges know better than parents:

‘A judge sentenced a Hawaii man to one year of probation and a $200 fine for making his son walk a mile home from school as a form of discipline. Judge Kathleen Watanabe called the punishment “old-school” and no longer appropriate..’

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14 Responses to Because judges know better than parents:

  1. Cadwallader says:

    To become a Judge these days one needs to be awash in feel-good b./s. In NZ this entails a long weekend sleeping on the floor of a savages’ meeting-house on a marae. The mind explodes trying to measure the worth of that. :?:

  2. mawm says:

    One mile? What’s that; about 20 min for someone who is slow and unfit? Now when I was young…….. :lol:

  3. Darin says:

    Just a mile?When I was in school we used to walk three miles to school and back,bare foot,in the snow and it was uphill both ways :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Let’s see,can’t smack them,can’t talk mean to them and now can’t make them walk when they mouth off.I guess this will end in parents having their children raised by Wolves :evil:

    • Robertv says:

      Remember they are not yours.


      • Darin says:

        Oh that dumb bitch,I hope she doesn’t have kids for more reasons than one. :evil:

    • Mathew says:

      That might not be such a bad idea, once they’re all grown up, lean, mean and hungry, they can take care of the leftie problem infesting the west. After fighting for their food every day they’ll make quick work of all the stupid, fat, pampered leftist shits running around.

  4. Mathew says:

    How come the judge didn’t order the boy be taken and brought home in a horse drawn carriage. If not a that then at least a BMW convertible. I mean bloody hell we’re talking his self esteem you know, can’t expect him to use his legs, they’re not for walking and last century crap like that.