leftist media censors reality

‘Widespread Memorial Day Black Violence Ignored by National Media

Black Beach Week used to get all the glory: Every Memorial Day weekend, 300,000 black people gathered in Miami Beach to get their freak on. And also create a tsunami of violence, robbery, shootings, carjackings, vandalism, mayhem, noise and trash.
But this year, many party-goers complained that Black Beach Week — only reporters call it “Urban Beach Week” — just wasn’t as much fun any more: Too many cops, tactical vehicles, helicopters, lights, towers, cameras, suspicion. Not enough chaos…’

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3 Responses to leftist media censors reality

  1. Ronbo says:

    Gee, I’m glad electing the first black American president improved race relations in America. :mrgreen:

  2. Mathew says:

    I hope those who got the shit kicked out of them were all loyal democrats who voted for obama. I’d rather it was them than some poor law-abiding real American.

  3. Tamati says:


    I read the link and then went and did some Google follow up..
    Came across this:

    I thought it is was well worth the watch….persevere to the end…I’m sure you will appreciate