‘Woman dubbed the ‘Angel of Woolwich’ for confronting Lee Rigby’s killers is detained under Mental Health Act after ‘race rant’ at Tesco pharmacist..’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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No freedom of speech in England. heh
At least in America I can still call a nigger, a nigger without being placed in the psycho ward, or arrested, and I can still legally carry a gun to defend myself if his porch monkey pals have anything to say about it.
But for how long, Ronbo?
Yet if you are a UK-, Christian-, White-hating muslim/African/Asian you can say what you want and you get police protection.
I see the Daily Mail is too chicken-shit cowardly to allow comments to the piece. They are too scared to expose that most Brits are in agreement with Loyau-Kennett.
Mustn’t upset the official Politburo line, eh?
For Lee Rigby to be killed the way he was in broad daylight on a public street says all we need to know about the UK,at this point freedom of speech is the least of their worries.
Britain like America is stuffed unless there is a massive shift in attitudes.Ann Coulter has the right idea-
Kill all the socialists and Muslims, let Jesus sort them out

USSR, for real. I think a bit more than race rants is required to overcome the new totalitarians. Africans, especially from Northern Africans, and Middle Easterners simply don’t have a place in Western countries, and the quicker the progs wake up to that reality the better—I doubt they ever will though.
I second that!
Not USSR. Our (Uk) lot want immigrants here for the purpose of destroying their own country, Soviets wanted immigrants simply to educate them prior to their return home, indoctrinated or not. Our particular shower of shit is far, far more dangerous than the USSR.
The official response to her perfectly rational reaction scares me. I see no fight back yet. And yes, DM is, as usual, too cowardly to allow comments. I’m glad I’m old.
Well, oldish………
I’m even oldisher, Mara.
So; who’s dishier? Based on names I’d go for a dishy Mara. If KG stood for Katy Grunion, I’d see you on the beach.
Bugger off KG.
For the first time in many years, an old man traveled from his rural town to the city to attend a movie. After buying his ticket, he stopped at the concession stand to purchase some popcorn.
Handing the attendant $1.50, he couldn’t help but comment, “The last time I came to the movies, popcorn was only 15 cents.”
“Well, sir,” the attendant replied with a grin, “You’re really going to enjoy yourself. We have sound now..”
“Movies”? You mean, magic lantern shows are now obsolete?
Ladies don’t get old, they simply mature, like fine wines. Men just wear out.
Yes, we do. We wear out doing all of the seducing, wooing, fetching, carrying, heavy lifting and jar-lid-loosening for our ladies!
Cue ear-bashing in 3…2…1…
That’s why my boss still shows up for work everyday even though he’s 80.
People ask him why he doesn’t retire.He tells them “simple,if I did all I would have to do all day is stand there and hold my wife’s purse while she shops”
The odd thing is, Gecko is no fan of shopping, unless it’s a gun or fishing store.
It’s just that she’s a “shop by browse” person and I’m the “shop by list” sort.
Going out later today to re-sight my darling’s CZ .17HMR….. that’s true love, innit?
Carl Zeiss glass and a set of hand lapped stainless scope rings would be truerer
Well, yes. Soon as I win the lottery the rifle will wear Zeiss glass.
(I already lapped the rings, so there.)