‘A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say.
The sources say security forces called themselves the “Brown Shirts.”…’
Looks like the undocumented half-breed is on track to make good on that treasonous promise…
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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I mean, what more do Americans need to put up with before they realise the complete and utter filth, corruption and treason that lies at the black heart of the ObamaHolderJarrett regime. These fuckers would be bad news even if they were running shitholes like Haiti or Liberia.
I believe it’s reached the point where only targeted assassinations will make the bastards sit up and listen, John.
And that’s just not going to happen.
I’m waiting for the panic that will ensue when these immigrants bring the next epidemic to the US.
At least one community is making a stand-
Barack Hussein Obama’s brother and former Communist Weatherman Bill Ayers was on Fox News last night bragging about his 20 plus bombings that included the U.S. Capitol Building during the 60s and 70s.
Megan Kelly didn’t pull any punches and gave him the Third Degree of tough questions, and at the conclusion of the interview had former FBI agents give a quick resume of Ayer’s terrorist career, as well as that of his traitor-bitch wife.
Also, she refused to allow Ayers to give commie speeches which was clearly the reason he agreed to the Fox interview in the first place, although he did say with a smile, “Guilty as hell, but free as a bird.”
If some patriot wanted to do a “targeted assassination” on a traitor that would send a chilling message to the very top of the political food chain, Ayers would be the perfect “soft target,” because he is often seen in public alone.
…and as we are all creatures of habit…I’m sure old Billy Boy has a favorite coffee shop or Marxist bookstore he drops into every few days…all alone and no security…
Please do not think I’m doing solicitation for murder, but I can imagine some bitter old Vietnam war veteran with terminal cancer and about six months to live walking up behind Ayers and blowing his fucking brains out on a crowded Chicago street at high noon… SHOCKING SIMPLY SHOCKING
Ron,one of the best revenge sequences in film ever-
The left’s strongest desire is to dictate by fiat. This is why people like Woody Allen and Bill Maher call for President Obama to become a dictator. It is why the President resorts to his “…pen and a phone” when he is opposed by the Congress. The open borders debate is another example of the left attempting to secure political power by any means necessary. It was the White House that spread comments that caused parents to send their children North. Amply encouraged, they sent tens of thousands of their children to the States hoping that one day, their children will send for them.
If the left plays it’s cards right, then they may one day realize approximately one million new voters. If one checks the birth rates of Latinos and one realizes that Latinos traditionally are as loyal to Democrats as are blacks, continued political victory will be achieved. Therefore, the situation created by the White House and Immigration is not a humanitarian crises, as has been reported by the lap dog media, but treason committed in the name of gaining political power.
The left is not interested in individual freedoms, they are interested in ruling. In order to rule, one must fundamentally alter the United States of America. They began with the culture and Judeo-Christian morality, and have now progressed to importing new voters from the second and third world nations as Europe did. In thirty years, the debate will be settled by default of the pool of captured Democratic voters who will not listen to any alternative reasoning. They will control the Congress and the White House and hopefully, they will have enough support to call for another Constitutional Convention where they will finally rid themselves of the limitations of power.
To be clear, the left’s objective is to destroy the United States of America and her Constitution. They are the enemies of liberty and of the American people, and they are winning. We have been in a cultural war with them for decades, and we lost. Now we are in a struggle for the American soul, and it isn’t looking too good. A recent study found that 71% of American youth is not fit for military service. Imagine what would have happened if that statistic held true for World War II when fifteen million citizens donned the uniform. Instead of 15 million, America would have had to make do with 4,650,000 troops. In short, we may have lost the war.
The left has been weakening the USA for decades, and in the event America is called to war on a global stage again, we will not be able to fight as effectively as we once did. But we have already abandoned the military strategy of fighting a war on two fronts and are now in the process of reducing our military forces down to pre-World War II levels. But the world is a safe place these days, is it not?
Now there is talk of Brown Shirts enforcing the left’s will at an Air Force base in an attempt to quash the nasty rumors of disease laden children who represent a direct threat to public health and a possible source for an epidemic. If it were then connected to the White House and an epidemic were to emerge, well that would be just terrible for the Democrats, wouldn’t it? Nope, no motivation to keep the medical staff quiet there. It’s all good, the State run media won’t breathe a word about it.
And people cannot understand why I no longer recognize my homeland.
The problem with the Rightist community is that we are hard working, honest and non-violent, and the advantage the Left is that they are the parasites, the criminal class, the ultra violent and the revolutionaries.
Yes, William Stout, this country is over unless we patriots understand that law and order no longer exists, and, therefore, any action we take against our oppressive federal government is not only legal and moral, but it is our duty as patriotic Americans
Once again we must become REVOLUTIONISTS and not interested in the continued existence of the current federal government, which today only continues in existence because of people like us. At a minimum we should stop paying taxes; if your job deducts taxes from your check the quit the job and become a contractor…A contractor, I don’t have to add, who never does business with the corrupt and degenerate IRS.
In the words of Ayn Rand:
“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater the effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders — what would you tell him to do? I don’t know. What could he do? What would you tell him? To shrug. ”
So shrug, my good friend William Strout! Be a REVOLUTIONARY! Yes, it will get bad; it will get very bad, very fast. It will be ANARCHY And that is what we want Anarchy works in our favor. THE WORSE IT GETS THE BETTER FOR US
You know it’s a donkey-deep in the shyte situation when a bureaucrat refers to security goons as “incident management team” personnel.
“The first thing we do is to kill all the bureaucrats”