Been pig hunting. Knackered.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Probably in better shape than the pigs though
The pigs are getting hard to find, though as the second year of the drought begins to bite deeply. There’s been something of a mass-migration of them up into the Gulf country. (Just one chopper crew recently shot over 6,000 in a few weeks up there).
Going for a night shoot with my hunting mate next week, he’s a pro ‘roo shooter and probably the best bushman and shot around these parts. Every trip is an education.
Obamacare working as intended
Just like us Vets and the VA.
Just what the world needs-
How is this any different from running a germ warfare program?
“Just what the world needs.”
The wisdom of Robert Higg’s “The Myth of Failed Policy” strikes again.
Take-away one gets from understanding that link, as written by Walter Williams in his own commentary, is: ‘What the general public views as a failure is, when viewed from the perspective of those running the operations, a huge success.’
Here’s the exact Williams quote:
New Movie release today-
Soccer in less than 60s.
That would definitely make the game more interesting.
Yes indeed! And they could sell sniper franchises.
Charles Krauthammer -” If fences don’t work why is there one around the Whitehouse?
Knackered? is that the same as being knickered?
errr……..not quite, Grog.
Steve Forbes-“Now is the time for congress to act and de-fund the IRS
It’s been well past that time if you ask me.
So many traitors…so little ammunition
They murder their own. Take a look at the name of the school.
No silly first names there. Not one. We also know the perpetrators were not white; if they had been the paper would have told us their race.
Excellent Rightist political cartoons here:
The painter/author is retired Special Forces living in Indian Harbor Beach, Florida
One of the things that seems to define religious prayer these days reminds me a lot of how the Left approaches Government. Most prayer seems to start with “Oh God, give me this” or “stop this from happening” or “save that poor child/family etc.”. In other words, do something for me and I will do something for you (give up drink, donate time to a charity, etc.).
When we look at what Christ told us the directions start “Our Father who (which) art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Now that sounds to me like praise of God comes first. Not ‘Do something for me’ or even ‘I’ll do a nice thing and then you do something nice’. Personally, I have all but stopped asking for anything. The only reason I can is we are told to …”Give us this day our daily bread” (you notice a wide screen tv or new Nike sneakers are not mentioned).
I occasionally wonder what would happen if all Christians, instead of giving up something for Lent, took just 5 minutes every day praising God. Not just thanking Him but true humble, exuberant, joyful praise. I just wonder?????
I wonder too, Michael. Strip out the material self-interest, and how many real Christians are there?