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Daniel Greenfield nails it:
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Man that Greenfield can write
He’s precisely right of course,from islam,the green nazis to detroit and beyond,all are forms of Cain.It’s never Cain’s fault,he never takes the blame,liar,thief,murder,destroyer of all he touches.
You got that right. Mr. Greenfield writes enough for 6 people. It’s as if he franchises out but retains editing authority.
Greenfield is always a good read. What hell then is reserved for the apologists of Cain, those who work so hard to convince Abel he is the killer and Cain the victim?
I nearly posted an alert to this column in your Open House KG shortly after I left my comment to Mr. Greenfield. But I had faith you’d do it on your own.
Oops, sorry Michael. This was not meant to be nested to you.
Thank you Pascal.
The Hell is in this world same as it was for Cain. Decent people want nothing to do with them. They must force themselves on us by hook or by crook and only dig their hole deeper with each effort.
Michael said:
“What hell then is reserved for the apologists of Cain..”
Maybe it’s waking up one morning and realising what despicable pieces of shit they are, Michael?
The diplomat (originally granted name suppression and the country not named) that molested a 21 year old woman in NZ is from Malaysia, first name Mohammad. No surprise really just more outrage.
Don’t worry the Malaysians will probably behead him.
We hope….
The link to Cain was just the founder of this political bastard empire trying to be relevant to the Jews and Christians by claiming descent to an old testament figure. The early church looked at Islam and rejected it as a sect without history or theological basis. I wish the progressives were half as smart.
Malaysia will seek to extradite this women so they can punish her for being a woman and so gorgeous that he simply could not resist her western charms. Darned little temptress.
Time to rebuild the temple.
And when Cain murders 3 of Abel’s sons, Abel will rise up and destroy Cain and his sons.
May their blood be avenged!