‘Denmark’s Parliament last week voted by a large margin to force churches belonging to the state Lutheran Church to conduct same-sex marriage ceremonies inside their sanctuaries. The law goes into effect June 15.
Under the legislation, individual priests can refuse to carry out the ceremony, but they cannot forbid the ceremony from taking place in their church building…’
Andrew Bolt
This is not a campaign for the unicorn of “equality”. This is using the power of the State to enforce the wishes of activist homosexuals and weaken the true meaning of marriage.
Along with forcing wedding photographers to record deviant unions and wedding-cake bakers to bake the cakes to celebrate them, the campaign is given traction (and teeth) by hosts of naive idiots and those who see it as a means to power.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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But the good news from the USA is that such power is now unconstitutional.
As for me: I have a “sincerely held religious belief” that paying any form of taxes is immoral – indeed that continued taxpaying leads irrevocably to damnation”.
“But the good news from the USA is that such power is now unconstitutional.”
I see no evidence of that “on the ground”, as it were.
I agree with you KG, the decision was very narrow and limited to ‘closely held’ companies. Already the Senator of the living dead has expressed his intention to legislate even this down the toilet.
Question: How is legislating the practice of Humanism not the establishment of a state religion?
Like hell it won’t. What we you gonna do about it, serf? Hmmm, prole?
If you’re not Christian none of this really matters. It may offend you on some basis like decency but at the end of the day its not you they want, its Christianity and Christians. Christians have been persecuted since day one and that was the promise.
“If you’re not Christian none of this really matters.”
Ya think so? You don’t think the intrusion of the state into private affairs matters?
I know it sure as hell does matter.
If you can’t see why, then I suggest you need to study some history.
Maybe one day when the almighty and glorious state passes a law saying that all the citizens need to have X number of homosexual friends and need to entertain them with a house party every 2 weeks at least they might wake up.
No wait this is Europe we’re talking about, even that won’t wake them up.
Ah but wait…. wait till the followers of the religion of peace and endless tolerance start voting and growing in numbers. They’ll dispose of the nazi bureaucrats and many of their pet causes.