By Francis W. Porretto. Available for free download here
‘Ours is a time of relentlessly advancing tyranny. Americans’ rights are steadily being stripped away by the very government that’s supposed to protect them. Who will rise to oppose it, if anyone? Who will see those rights as sacred, to be defended at all costs, if anyone? Who will be both suitably qualified, adequately equipped, and properly motivated…if anyone?’
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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The Patriot Act was the final nail eliminating what was left of Americans constitutional rights. . Without that Act Obama could not have done the same .
“The president of the United States, as head of the executive branch, has the implied authority to declare a national state of emergency. The only emergency provisions in the U.S. Constitution are:[41] “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it[,]” a Section I grant of power giving Congress the sole authority to suspend the writ;[42] and an exemption from the privilege of a grand jury hearing for cases arising in the military when in service in a time of “public danger”.”
“The United States is formally in an ongoing limited state of emergency declared by several Presidents for several reasons. A state of emergency began on January 24, 1995 with the signing of Executive Order 12947 [5] by President Bill Clinton.”
“President Barack Obama extended the Declaration of Emergency on November 12, 2013, citing continued conflicts in Iran.[57]”
The United States IS a 2 party dictatorship.
‘We The People’ is a thing of the past like snow.
Charlotte Pass morning snow report 30/06/14
Jeb Bush is catchinig up with Hillary Clinton in presidential polls
If this is the future you can better hang yourself.
I’ve been saying it for years,here we are a nation of 320,000,000 people and the assholes running for office are the best we can do?
“The United States IS a 2 party dictatorship.”
Yep. Like pretty much all of the West.
Yep , in the West we are numbers and numbers have no human rights nor civil rights.
‘We The Numbers’
And to drive home the point about a 2-party dictatorship:
‘..In the search for improper votes, GOP officials who are affiliated with Cochran’s campaign are trying to block McDaniel’s search for invalidated votes that are recorded in the poll books..’
I see the GOP continues in the same PROGRESSIVE direction since Teddy Roosevelt became president in 1901…
Yes, it was the Republican party that thought PROGRESSIVISM (Collectivism) was a neat idea a decade before Democrat Woodrow Wilson became president in 1913.
I bet this place doesn’t worry about robberies.
Love the window sign!
Some of the comments are great.
‘Dining without any chance of encountering a Leftist – now THAT can make for a pleasant evening out!’
Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition…….and the Potato salad……and some Ribs