In the comments, a politician who ought to be congratulated. And cloned.
Cowardly, racist pandering.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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No doubt the snivelling leftards of the Oz mainstream media will shortly be describing him as “far right”.
David Leyonhjelm takes up his seat in the Senate next week and promises plenty that’s good: (Andrew Bolt)
” The first of July 2014 will be my first day as a Senator, representing NSW and the Liberal Democratic Party. I hope history will say it was the day we got to work putting Godzilla back in its cage….
Godzilla is that blundering monster that our governments have become, with their hands in our pocket and noses in every room of our house….
In my term in Parliament, I want to convince Australians to reconsider whether handing their money over to the government is better than keeping it themselves. I want them to understand that disapproving of something does not justify it being prohibited or heavily regulated. I want them to understand the connection between the liberties they care about and the liberty of others, and to understand that individual freedom is universal, precious and must be fiercely protected…
We need more people in the Senate intent on putting Godzilla back in its cage, but in the meantime I will bring argument, reason, pleading and occasionally, blackmail, to the fight.”
Leyonhjelm does sound good. As to the racist pandering link, well. Who wants to look at the jig who stole your gear? All the rest (7 of 8? listed) are just deeper immersion in a retarded stone-age culture that attaches “mana” to aggravated robbery*.
If those pricks are “future leaders” then I’d hate to see their future”work” for the benefit of N.Z. Reason #46758 to leave right there kiwis~
*I have that in a book in N.Z, so can’t link/source it
What a wonderful specimen of DNA Korotangi Te Hokinga Mai Douglas Paki is.
Leyonhjelm promises a lot. I’d be very interested in seeing whether or not he carries it through to action.
The two Arabs responsible for launching rockets from Gaza into Israel have been delivered to their 72 virgins in a sufficient number of pieces to prevent any squabbling between the young ladies.
Just love the final frame; the flaming wreckage of rolling chassis coming to a halt, while in the background some dude meanders across the road like “meh. Dead terrorists. Must be Tuesday.”
I love the Israeli response to aggression from A-rabs. Simple really.
Video won’t load. I’ll try again later.
Got it. Beautiful!!! Instant Karma.

You’re talking Gisborne here KG. The judge probably got a horse’s head to wake up to that morning.
What a cesspit that place is….. and what a shame. It used to be a fine town.
Very nicely done! (and watch the credits at the end)
“Thank You” to the Creator and the laws of physics! It was still a great show of skill.
Sure was. They made it look easy.
The Islamist terrorists getting wasted by the Israelis, or the mountain men cutting down that huge tree without totaling the buildings

There must have been a few butt clenching moments there.
…Meanwhile let it never be said that our grand and glorious extra large size queen…err..First Lady is not thinking of the little big people:
A couple of weeks ago, I sent an email to our nation’s Prime Minister and copied in my local elected representative. Our host was gracious enough to turn it into a post.
Since that time, the email address from which I sent the mail has been bombarded with spam, offering everything from pills to expand my manhood, to several representatives-in-exile of a number of third-world countries begging me to temporarily store several million euros in my account.
Coincidence? Or maybe our political overlords putting one of the little people in their place?
Most likely a form of revenue enhancement. They sold your email address. You being bugged by it is an added bonus — for them.
Not bugged by it, Pascal, more amused at having confirmed my opinion of our overlords. The only thing bugs me is that it surprised me; that I didn’t expect some form of slap-down.
The Greens started sending me emails with Maori language greetings, etc. I replied in Afrikaans and told them to fuck off. They somehow managed to understand it and stopped. Recently they sent me another followed by a hasty apology immediately afterwards. If they do it again they’ll get another nasty reply.
GG, I’d send them another email with a threat of legal action if they don’t stop the deluge. They are quite simply not allowed to sell on your email address.
Tables turned on Illinois State Trooper.
Watch cop’s attitude change when informed he’s on tape.
This is the soft form of fighting back that I predict will not be tolerated for much longer anywhere.
I’m surprised that trucker didn’t give the cop a “Citizen’s Speeding Ticket” for going 70 MPH (plus) in a 55 MPH zone and in using the cellphone. I’d say about a $250 ticket is what the cop deserved with five driver points deducted (most states allowing only 12 points in one year before suspending the driver license)…
I hate Illinois Nazis
This Wabbit doesn’t pay much attention to traffic laws–I’ll obey those which make sense and ignore those that don’t. That goes for all laws, come to think of it.
Our masters treat the law with contempt, so why shouldn’t we?
Yup,one rule for thee and another for me is the new law of the land.
“I will accept the rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
Robert Heinlein
Good quote,here is one of my favorites-
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan Rules…
Just damn. Enough with the Islamophobia charges by the Left and SKUNCs. I hope it is not to late to counterattack.
Those evidently afflicted with Islamomania are unfit for public office or to serve in the military. Run them out of town on a rail and then court martial the Joint Chief as they are clearly so infected.
Supreme Court makes ruling based on junk science-
It’s summer and the urban pavement apes are restless.
“urban pavement apes”
In the world of acronyms I guess they’d be UPAs. Running around with their bananas in their hands yelling “upa, upa, upa.”
The B-25 alone makes it a nice find.
That, and the Sabre.
Heinlein again:
“If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.”
So if he is a survivalist, you can expect him to know more than one way to skin it?
Cynical bastard.
Rebels make a ruling on the U.S. Supreme Court – SHOOT THEM ON SIGHT

Is it a coincidence this happened less than 2 weeks after a semi-tough interview of Hillary?
Hillary’s enemies have suffered a lot of “coincidences”.
If not then I predict another “coincidence” really soon. And it won’t even be due to a live confrontation.
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Says Hillary Clinton Is ‘Out Of Touch,’ Lacks ‘Self-Awareness’
N.Z.: ‘In March, a man bought a 2011 Suzuki Swift for $13,900. Within five days, the vehicle’s transmission developed a fault. He was quoted $18,150 plus GST to rectify the fault…’

Quite a few ”bodies” kept turning up when the clintons were in power.
Monica should have bought a lotto ticket.
bill n’ hill
So what’s the deal with the Hildabeast
Could it REALLY be the Progressive Ruling Elite wants her as a replacement for Barack Hussein Obama as El Presidente
I thought Obama was suppose to be “President For Life.”
Yes, I know the 22nd Amendment limits the president to two terms, but since when has the Left obeyed the U.S. Constitution
Also, as pale face, the opposition can fire the heavy artillery at the Hildabeast.
Maybe the Left did learn something from the career of Joseph Stalin

I think there might be something going on in the dhimmi-commie party, Ronbo. The loathing between the rapist and his Hildebeast and the Magic Negro and his ‘wife’ Michael is quite palpable. It’s almost like the children are sitting in quiet desperation, hoping that Mommy and Dadday don’t start swinging at each other in public the way their friends the Republicrats are with those nasty, racist, right-wing Tea Party loony-birds.
I actually don’t see Hillary running. She’s never won anything competitive, and won’t ‘win’ the Presidency. Better to have never tried and be able to always claim you would have won, than to have a go and fail. I think she’ll flirt for a while longerand then step aside ‘for the next generation of the progressive movement’.
That said, I don’t underestimate the ability of the Republicrats to run another incredibly effective campaign like those of McCain and Romney, and to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Go, Team Jeb!
And, if they were afraid of taking the fight to The Won, what makes you think they’ll punch a girl? Much-less loose the ‘heavy artillery’ on her?
Secretary of the Chair Force goes for a ride with the Thunderbirds and gets pukeadellic
Good thing for her she didn’t go for a ride with the Blue Angels
Blue Angels,best of the best and the Air force tales all the rest
So, here’s a thing. Addressing his party’s pre-election conference, that nice Mr Key – in a passionate and evocative defence of private property rights – said to the faithfull that if the mandarins in Wellington, their elected lap-poodles and the legion of leeches they support ‘can’t use taxpayers’ money as well as they can, then they should keep it’.
So, according to the “conservative” National Party, the government has first claim on my private property, but if they consider themselves unable to use my private property as well as I can, well then I can just go ahead and keep it.
Tell me again, anyone from #TeamKey or the legion of Key-fellating fanboys who we know read this site, how your messiah is any different – any different at all in any meaningful way – from the Marxist scumbags who lead the other parties?
The SCOTUS gets another one right. Although, I see in the item from AP that they get things wrong again. The contraceptive mandate was not in the law, it was an edict from Sebelius and the regulators. Also, note the ‘closely held’ status.
Make that two!
A possible bonus from the decision:
Please let it be so!
In all this joyousness on the various SCOTUS rulings that seemed to have set back the Prog agenda is this one bit from last Monday that has apparently flown under the radar at every place but the Washington Times.
I had to reread the following to make sure it was not the Onion it was published in before I believed it.
I’m very sad for a whole lot of America in the short term. Those people who continue to dream that they can rely on laws based on truth and rational thought in the United States — stay asleep and not revolt — are at risk of being put to sleep permanently by the next terrible winter.
In the long term, America is toast since fraudulent scientism has now officially replaced science as the basis of Constitutional Law.
Bottom line. That ruling on the EPA is the single most important bit of news in this SCOTUS cycle, and it has been ignored by not only the Soviet-style Media (natch) but also by almost all Conservative media. This needs to be seen so that people have a chance to know the danger. Maybe something can still be done. Pray.
Nobody is safe sounds overblown. I wish.
I’m afraid you’re right, my friend, unless something really drastic happens like an economic collapse, the Second American Revolution just isn’t going to happen.
Like Glenn Beck said, “The advantage the Left has over the Right is that this bunch of Leftists in power are revolutionaries; whereas, the people on the Right obey the law, go to work and keep the country running.”
Beck has it right – America is toast unless we patriots rediscover the “inner rebel” we are dinner for the revolutionary wolf pack circling around us in the night and drawing ever closer to our naked throats.
I know it’s a hellva a thing – but I pray for the economy to bite the dust.
Just so you know: I nearly posted as a reply to this one.
Ronbo says:
June 30, 2014 at 09:23
Rebels make a ruling on the U.S. Supreme Court – SHOOT THEM ON SIGHT

7 Reasons Conservatives Shouldn’t Buy Media’s Supreme Court Hype
And Ben Shapiro STILL made no mention of the EPA’s insane CO2 rule legitimized by SCOTUS opinion.
We are surely being provoked by the Left AND Right. ‘There is no Left or Right; only up or down. Up to freedom consistent with law and order or down to the ant-heap of totalitarianism’ –Ronald Reagan.
It’s the Ruling Class Progressive modern day wealthy aristocrats, who are at most only 10% of the population, and in control of BOTH political parties against We The People….
May the streets of Washington, D.C. run red with the blood of these worthless parasites

NOAA caught fiddling the numbers again-
But mere facts such as those won’t stop obambi’s latest push for power via the EPA.
The EPA was created by REPUBLICAN RINO Richard Nixon in 1971.
The Democrat and Republican Parties have played “good cop and bad cop” with the American People for over a 100 years.
The time has come to SHOOT all the bastard collectivists.
‘Huge stockpiles of US armor, weapons, heavy artillery, mortars, armored vehicles, tanks, the entire main weapons depot and the main helicopter base, have been captured, mostly intact, by ISIS.
The largest oilfield in Iraq has also been captured by ISIS. No US airstrikes, and none are likely any time soon…’
One can’t but help get the feeling that the withdrawal of American troops and the weaponry left behind were all preplanned. Obama has his nuts in a grinder (or are they in a callused Saudi hand) – wanting to provide support to ISIS but knowing that it would be a step to far for the American people. Hence his dithering and ‘no boots on the ground’ stance.
The Republican primary in Mississippi now looks more corrupt than ever.
Now the Democrat mantra of big money Republicans buying elections seems to be correct.
Also those black voters are going to want payback.
Where is the Law? Surely provable vote rigging is a crime in America and those involved gaoled.