Anything but islam!

Headline by the idiots at the NZ Herald:
‘Is climate change destabilising Iraq?’

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8 Responses to Anything but islam!

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Saw the headline, didn’t bother to waste my time reading something dredged up from the lowest level of some journalists septic tank of a mind. I figured I would be better to use what time I have left on this earth digging wax out of my ears or anything else disgusting that might offend some elitist asshole with an IQ in single digits.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: Quite.
      We’re in the middle of the second year of drought here, but the locals ain’t running around murdering people in bulk and screaming “allah snackbar”.
      Now, I wonder what the difference is? This is a hard one……..

  2. mistress mara says:


  3. PC says:

    That damned Climate has a lot to answer for. From polar bears clicking their clogs in the Artic, to Satan’s little helpers behaving badly in a God-forsaken shithole. If only I could multi-task like that.

  4. andy5759 says:

    I had a wee look at the link. I did think that the Syrians ought to have flooded their fields and dessicated their cities. Primitive people with guns always reminds me of that You Tube of the African irregulars giving a Kalashnikov to a chimpanzee. Fucking hilarious. Chimps shooting #£%&*@’s. Priceless.

    • KG says:

      I loved that clip. Andy.

      • Ronbo says:

        About “Climate Change” (Newspeak for,”Global Warming”) – After all Bush has been out of office for going on six years, so “Blame Bush” is not working, which means Democommie Playbook Number 1 “Climate Change” to explain why things go wrong. :mrgreen: