‘Declarations Of War Part 3: The Trumpets Have Sounded’
‘..In a nation where “laws” (and “regulations” enforced as “laws”) have proliferated so voluminously that even the most astute legal specialists cannot know them adequately, does “law and order” constitute a sufficient justification for a fully militarized police system?
An effectively nationalized police system?
Armed and armored by the Department of Defense?
Equipped with tools of surveillance beyond Orwell’s imagination?
Whose myrmidons are indemnified for any acts of wrongdoing no matter how dramatic?
If so, how do these United States differ in principle from North Korea?….’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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A North Korean dog and an American dog lived in the backyards of two opposite houses, and the Nork dog became curious about the American dog and asked one morning:
“How are things over there? I notice you have a new air conditioned doghouse, cable TV, a PC and get three big meals a day. I hope you don’t mind me saying that you’re a little fat, neighbor.”
The American dog rose to his feet and took in the junkyard that the lean Nork dog lived in, why the poor little doggie didn’t even have a house! Just old beat up truck to sleep under at night The only entertainment was a tinny radio voice telling him 24/7 how good he had it in comparison to American dogs
The American dog responded:
“True, I do have better living conditions than most dogs in the world, but one thing we both have in common.”
“What’s that?” asked the Nork dog.
“We both are chained to posts and our yards are surrounded by high fences.”
“Very true” said the NORK dog and continued, “But your chain is gold.”