‘The World Health Organization is worried about this year’s Hajj. Beginning in early October, more than 2 million people will voluntarily gather in the home country of a novel and untreatable virus called MERS that has already infected nearly 700 people and killed more than 200. Respiratory illnesses are only the beginning of the many dangers faced at religious pilgrimages, though. Pilgrims should worry about fires, stampedes, diarrhea, and guns. In fact, if you’re in a hurry to meet your maker, a religious pilgrimage may be the most direct route..’
Not so. Any muslim knows the most direct route is a homicide vest. But at least in the scenarios sketched out above, there will be no innocent victims.
UPDATE: Col. B. Bunny has it exactly right:
“… Millions and millions and millions of otherwise intelligent and kind people still do not grasp the nature of the civilizational threat we face and what it will unavoidably entail for them and their descendants if it is not turned back and annihilated..”
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Two million visiting forehead-bangers!
What a *great* target!
Gee….. wouldn’t it just be so “unfortunate” if an aircraft happened to spray a few hundred litres of MERS-laced water over the crowds!
Could even be touted as “refreshing cooling water for the masses”.
That would be simply awful Thor. Terrible. Why, I’d….hang on….
Well, I tried to keep a straight face.
SURE you did
Dang, you’re on to me. Yep, I did chop down the cherry tree.
Catapult a coupla dead camels in, even strapped up with explosives camels to maximise the spread. I read somewhere recently (headline in a side-bar) another case or two of pig-flu has sprung up…
Flying, exploding, carrying porkers raining down on their parade is the vision. Oh yeah. I L L at my own day-dreams. Which is probably as bad as laughing at my own jokes~
We need to dream, dondiego or we’d go nuts with anger.
Good stuff! I like it!
Is there any way to keep MERS confined to Muslims? We could rid the world of them with one good virus then.
If ONLY there were!
I too have wondered about that for a long time. Sadly, for now it looks like MERS is about as close as we’ll get to that.
@thor42- I believe given the right, or lack of, propaganda it is feasible… Witness the A.I.D.S decline (in public/white taxpayer caring).
The Arse Injected Death Sentence only/mainly affects poofters, negroes, junkies and dumb women who lay down with the aforementioned. Hence; Real people no longer care willingly with their wallets.
I see about the American VRWC people seem to have given up at a Federal level, however local Reps rely on real people to keep their paycheck.
Having said that witness the Teaparty man down Darin’s way being beaten by blax & mezzikins voting GOP to keep their handouts
I still say catapulting could be efficacious: http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/NewsDetails.aspx?storyid=379987
and there’s definately potential bio-warfare with goats: http://new.dhh.louisiana.gov/assets/oph/Center-PHCH/Center-CH/infectious-epi/BT/btmanual/Zoonotic.pdf
My main point is it’s whiteys tech & oil $$$ that have caused the problem, and this current mess we’re in we need the wimins to stop thinking “But, they’re just like us”. bring on the economic collapse so people start worrying about themselves~
You all should be ashamed of yourselves, fantasizing about the death of numerous muslims, don’t u know islam is religion of peace, love and all things harmonious. Why just the other day we were almost given moral justification to stone any uppity women into line, unfortunately western bigots and racists stopped such enlightenment from seeing the light of day.
Will these dark ages never end.