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It isn’t immigration, it’s fucking invasion! And the answer is simple: no welfare for illegals. Solve the problem overnight.
Definitely invasion.
The gutless UK and Europe won’t do anything though. They’re toast.
Not even their militaries have guts – if they did, they would have acted on this long ago.
And the answer is simple: no welfare for immigrants.
Fixed it for you. And that’s only a halfway step to no government welfare at all. Let churches and private charity deal with it, much as they used to do.
Of course, to our lords and masters it’s not a problem at all. The illegals are doing exactly what our politicians want them to do and this way, the bastards can wring their hands and make all the right noises while the invasion continues.
Reverse colonization. The euros lack any sort will to stand up to what is effectively a barbarian invasion…much like what happened when the Rhine froze in the early Fifth Century.
Btw: here’s website that’ll turn your stomach. Note the use of the term “race reparation”. Either this site is a false flag or it’s the real deal proctology-scope into the belly of the beast.
Thanks, Flashman. I’ll go take a look.
I don’t think the title of this post (or the original headline) is in any way an exaggeration. And what’s happening is irreversible, short of civil war and forced repatriation.
Neither will happen, imho. We’re watching the destruction of the West as we understand it.
At least from the looks of the comments section under that article it looks as though more people have realized their only hope at the ballot box is UKIP.