BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties.
Stopping them is blatantly illegal, but they’ll get away with it.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Just like the *fraudulent* Tower Hamlets election recently (where the Muslim candidate’s supporters hung around the returning officers and bullied them).
Just when you think the scum incumbents in the US can get no lower, they do something like this.
Here’s what I’m talking about –
Tower Hamlets has been a cesspit for years, and it’s only now – when it’s no longer possible to ignore it – that the MSM picks up the story.
Agreed. Exactly.
This wasn’t just the Left. They were collaborating with the GOP SKUNCs (I hate RINO because it is too complimentary acronym) who funded the hateful literature and will be active in this coverup.
We call them the Left looney, but they’re just smart enough to know that they’d rather have a Prog Republican than a Constitutionalist Republican.
It is now widely out in the open that the SKUNCs and the Dems are conspiring to keep DC running as it is — with whatever it takes.
And no matter how bad this incident turns out to be, we may look back on it fondly when, in their desperation to stay in power, the collaborators become really ruthless.
The sooner the gloves are off the better, Pascal. Perhaps that will finally wake a lot of conservatives up to the fact that we’re at war. Or rather, that the left is at war with us.
Yep. No doubt about it KG. I’ve said it before. The American fascist party has inverted Clausewitz’ observation. “Politics is war by other means.”
“American Fascist Party”
A perfect description.
Mississippi Teaparty chair Mark Mayfield commits suicide-
For the record he was not involved in the picture taking scandal,his character was above reproach.The establishment and the Cochran camp purposely smeared him and destroyed his life.He was simply made an example of.
See my comment at 16:19 above yours, Darin.
Apparently being a Republican is no guarantee a politician is not a leftist state-loving asshole:
Of course not. Politically, true conservatives are homeless.
I think it’s a mistake to define those uphold the American Constitution as “conservative” – which, after all, is a reactionary group afraid of progress and new inventions.
I think the term “patriot” or “republican” (One who is in favor of representative democracy, not to be confused with the political party) is the correct identification of the opposition in America to the ruling class progressives of both major political parties, who are wrongly defined as “liberals” when they are collectivists of the statist, fascist, nationalist or communist brand.
A traditional liberal is one who favors the rule of law, capitalism and individual rights that clearly the Progressive detests.
“I think it’s a mistake to define those uphold the American Constitution as “conservative” – which, after all, is a reactionary group afraid of progress and new inventions…”
I strongly disagree with that definition, Ronbo.
Seconded. Not only are we not afraid of progress and new inventions, we are responsible for the invention of ALL the cool stuff in the world! We Conservatives are the pro-progress people. We celebrate human endeavour and achievement. Our enemy are the exact opposite of “progressive”. They are the reactionaries; they are regressive!
If any one thing defines conservatives, it’s a belief that our societies are best served by sticking to those things which have been shown to work and resisting change for the sake of change.
Mr. Simon gets to the heart of the matter on the MSM failure to adequately report on (much less investigate) the scandals of HBSC.
KG, Have I got a post on this thread stuck in moderation?
It was, Michael. And I’ve no idea why. Sorry about that.
Not to worry. Medusa always reckoned electronic stuff hated me
Gecko is convinced it has her name and number. Yet she’s far better at that stuff than me.
I think Akismet put it in the span queue because of the long link.
The left declared war on America long ago and they’ve been winning for quite a while. One wonders what is left to lose now.