What an effing weasel Cunliffe is!

NZ: ‘Labour leader David Cunliffe has apologised at a Women’s Refuge symposium for being a man and pledged to a invest an extra $60 million in family violence services…’
A word in your ear, Cunliffe, you snivelling, pandering piece of shit:
Real men have no need to apologise for being men. Because real men treat women with respect and safeguard their children. If you have a guilty conscience, that’s your problem and by all means promise to throw away $60 million of other people’s money if that makes you feel better. Just don’t presume to apologise on behalf of all men, because the vast majority of us have nothing to apologise for.
Got it?
Oh, and another thought…if you’re serious about addressing the problem of family violence, how about introducing jail WITH HARD LABOUR for those found guilty of it? Since the vast majority of the perps are Maori, you’ll see the numbers at least halved within a very short time. But that would require some balls on your part, wouldn’t it? So we’ll flag that as a non-starter.

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13 Responses to What an effing weasel Cunliffe is!

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    H1 was more of a man than Cunliffe will ever be.

    Hell, H1 was more of a man than Cunliffe or Key or Whyte or Winston…

    So was H2.

  2. mawm says:

    Cunliffe is busy buying the election. :roll: This is his third announcement about spending other peoples money on special interest groups. So far it has been extra money to schools so that they don’t have to ask parents for money for the extras, the second was saving heritage buildings in ChCh and now this. This is the same as Clark’s WFF and student loans; all she needed were those few extra votes to have the job and I’m sure he feels the same.

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    No need to apologise for being a man.

    He isn’t one.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    He’s not called ‘silent t Cunliffe’ for nothing!

  5. KG says:

    He’s the perfect illustration of the truism that scum also rises to the top. And needs to be skimmed off…….

  6. George says:

    I’m sorry you’re a man too Cunliffe.

  7. Alan says:

    I always thought Cunliffe was an hermaphrodite.

  8. Darin says:

    On a related subject-The problem with Henry Higgins Feminism and why can’t women be more like men?


    • KG says:

      “…But the attempt to deny the sexuality of the female body or its difference from the male torso strikes me as a form of poisonous self-hatred, misogyny promoted under the guise of a fight against misogyny.”
      Right on! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  9. Mathew says:

    Well said KG, this fellow is a stupid tosser. When i opened the article, the first line started off – labor leader…… well that explained the whole thing.

    Such a wanker and so typical of the left.

  10. David Cunliffe, used to be the minister of finance. He has no idea how to crunch figures. 33% / 20 = 1.67%. White Ribbon says 33% of women enter into a violent relationship. If the average woman has gone on 20 dates, that’s not very high. But David Cunliffe thinks it is. So I’ve told him he has no idea how to crunch figures.

    If you agree with me, let him know, and maybe he’ll feel embarassed. The above web address, is about a petition to stop this silly domestic violence nonsense.