”Refugees’: News Networks Refuse to Call Illegals Illegal’
‘Feds Ban Term ‘Alien’ as Border Surge Continues’
‘Rick Perry: Terrorists, Gangsters Looking to Exploit Border Crisis’
‘Border Patrol Agent: New Illegals Will Depend on Welfare’
‘Feds Knew about Border Surge in January, ‘Not Following the Law’ Will End GOP’
‘Ingraham: Time for Mass Deportations ‘by the Thousands,’ End Birthright Citizenships’
Cloward-Piven, anyone? The squatter in the WH won’t fix the economy, and this invasion on top of that is a feature, not a bug for this gang.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Uh, Dinesh?
You’re a little late.
It’s imminent.
Sorry KG. Messed up the img src format.
No worries, Pascal–I ALWAYS mess it up!
And I’m not a little late, I predicted this eighteen months after the bastard was elected.
Dinesh D’Sousa’s America: Imagine the World Without Her come out the same day you publish this. Hey Dinesh. We don’t need to imagine it. See KG’s comment.
I watched Dinesh D’Sousa’s “America” yesterday in downtown Seattle at a nearly deserted movie theater (I think there were five of us among over 100 seats) – and reflected that not only was the old republic done – very few cared to attend the funeral.
This being said, I thought D’Sousa put together an awesome documentary that exposed the murderers of our once great republic as the criminal scum they are: Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their intellectual leaders like Saul Alinsky are ruthlessly exposed and painted in the darkest colors.
The most interesting part of the movie for me was the line drawn between the teachings of Alinsky and the political career of his premier student, Hillary Clinton, who D’Sousa’s thinks is responsible for its introduction into the mainstream of the Democrat Party
Yes, I can see why Dinesh D’Sousa was hauled into federal court on bogus charges and will very likely be sent to prison soon as a convicted felon.
I know what THAT feels like from personal experience…
I hope he gets my private cell at FCI Butner, NC where the federal political prisoners are sent.
I’m sure the movie was fine and all that.
However, I suggest you to look at it through my contrarian filter (for you, that cannot be hard :D).
D’Sousa has provided a platform to tell people like you and I:
“Give up! This is how we did it! So you think not? So then c’mon buster, let’s see what you’ve got left! Chicken?”
I long ago laid down what I imagine has been a simplified description of how the Progs advanced their agenda. Because the Progs are so devious I used an obvious play on words to title it “Progress Of.” It encapsulates how they slowing morphed by adopting various disguises and throwing them away over time
My last published version (2009) describes their disguise like this: Altruistic ==► Casuistic ==► Craven [about 70 years] ==► Shameless [circa 1997] ==►Brazen ==► Sneer at US ==► Contempt for US ==► [TBD]
I think that last TBD is Goading US into making the first move (or getting us to think they are really are ready for our revolt so that we don’t).
And if it is “Goading US,” then it indeed means they think they are ready for anything. And indeed it will separate the cautious from the courageous and the courageous from the head-strong.
Because the Progs have never been fully board about what their intentions were, they got away with their advances (sometimes 2 steps forward and only 1 step back).
Ace of Spades laid it out a couple of days ago, but he never went so far as actually writing what I just wrote. I’ll add some of it in my next comment.
As Ace speaks to the instinctive intellectual secrecy of the Left with the help of Charles Murray and Jonah Goldberg by way of providing source material. He ends the piece “Jonah Goldberg on the Epistemic Closure of the Left” (http://minx.cc/?post=350195) with
Notice that last sentence Ronbo? He writes it as it applies to the Left. But you and I have run into it from those allegedly on our side too. (Why did he not apply it to “our” side, the anti-Left? I dunno.)
See. when the anti-Left sees some things that reeks of collusion (such as Obama AND the GOPe wanting open boarders) between parties, too many go into kneejerk double-think which leads them to go into shutdown mode. Collusion — OMG, conspricacy! — Can. Not. Say. That.
Best. Not. To. Think. Even.
Ace did not make the connection, so let us make it for the coward.
You can’t fight about something you’re barely even permitted to acknowledge. — Ace of Spades
That applies to Ace and all like him.
And it is why I love this place. It is not like Ace at all.
“Goading America :?:”
I’m on board with that analysis
I think the Progs think that they – the revolutionaries – have won the prize; that they are in total control of the federal government; that We The People are the “Contras” – counter revolutionists – doomed to defeat because we are “on the wrong side of history.”
I think the Progs may be right about them being in total control of the central government and on the quick march to total control over the country, but not because we patriots are “on the wrong side of history” but that too few Americans have studied history.
The bright side is that nothing is inevitable. I think often of Goethe’s Mephistopheles who is forever doing evil that turns good in the end.
So at the end of the day the Great Progressive Putsch against America may blow up in faces of its inventors.
“See. when the anti-Left sees some things that reeks of collusion (such as Obama AND the GOPe wanting open boarders) between parties, too many go into kneejerk double-think which leads them to go into shutdown mode. Collusion — OMG, conspricacy! — Can. Not. Say. That.
Best. Not. To. Think. Even.”
Pascal, you have lost me.
I think most Tea Party patriots understand that the Progressives are in control of the leadership of both Democrat and Republican parties….and as the results of the recent election in Mississippi has proven, Progressive Republicans will ally themselves with Democrat Progressives.
In fact, this was the reason the Tea Party came into being in 2009, as a vehicle to purge the GOP of the RINOs
…and as for the Progs keeping their agenda secret, I think if one listens carefully they have announced their goals, the problem is that many Americans don’t listen
Can’t see how we are differing. There are still many hold-outs to the TEA Party movement or else we would not be seeing the GOPe still standing. And how eve many of those are still convinced that there is no real RepublicRat party in fact if not in name means we still have some work to do.
I was referring to the GOPe derailing any thoughts that connected their goals with that of the Left.
You and I appear to be in agreement even on the origins of the Prog movement, having started within the GOP — BEFORE it got into the Dems – with Teddy Roosevelt (and his aid in getting Wilson elected over Taft).
Last month I published, certainly without need for you, GOPe Openly Acting As PROG COMMAND CENTRAL.
Thus “…and as for the Progs keeping their agenda secret, I think if one listens carefully they have announced their goals, the problem is that many Americans don’t listen.”
That means we still have more work to do if only to make our battles easier.
Our potential allies have been inculcated, indoctrinated, to run from that thought no matter how open the Left/Statists are about their alliance.
Ace still is running as shown. He ignored those who for all intents and purposes should be on our side but are afraid to abandon the GOPe.
And their primary reason not to abandon the GOPe is still the face of the opposition. It shows that foremost that they refuse to admit that the GOPe is not only part of the Prog movement, there is ample evidence they have been running it from the start.
The Whig party fell apart entirely in 1856. The GOP proved to be meaningful in 1860. By that standard, by now the TEA Party should have come into its own. I think it would have but for the fact that the movement still believes that they can control the GOP. I don’t think so. But they have people on radio who’ve poo-pooed the idea of total breakaway. So the subterfuge of the GOPe may not work on you and me, but it sure has been enough to allow that Establishmentarian end to continue to wag the dog.
Going back into history, the 1st triumvirate became common knowledge only when Caesar, Pompey and Crassus all appeared on the Forum stage together. I think the majority of Americans STILL do not believe it even though Bush41/43/Clinton/Kennedy/Obama have all appeared on the same forum stages and behind the same programs time and again.
Okay, Pascal, my fellow patriot, we are on the same page.
Yes, I agree, especially after what happened in Mississippi, the Tea Party Movement should have given up all effort to purge the GOP and immediately formed a new REVOLUTIONARY party.
Because that’s what it’s going to take – a complete overthrow of the federal government down to the lowest file clerk – a repeat of what patriots did to the British colonial government in America.
While a majority on the outside of the GOP and its base, inside the Republican Party that’s inside the Beltway, they are a minority, and can do nothing.
I see where the Colorado DMV is ‘overwhelmed’ by applications since they passed a law allowing illegals to get driver’s licenses. The DMV was efficient previously?
With all this doom and gloom it seems apparent that America is going to be a giant
socialist utopia with statues of Marx all over the place and the population organising
themselves into community communist collectives addressing themselves as
comrades and comradesses.
comradesses? Racis!
Will this amount to anything.What happens in USA may eventually happen here. (and pigs might fly)
Only this kind of action – on this and various other fronts – gives us a hope in hell of avoiding defeat and serfdom, Rob.
Not until our masters are faced with anarchy and a bullet in the head will they back off.