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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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That’s racist, that is!
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Where’s Prince Rogers Nelson of the US?
Who is he?
You know, “Prince” as Mr. Purple Rain and all that.
aaah……thanks. I’ve never heard any of his stuff that I know of.
Culturally deprived, I am.
You haven’t missed a lot. (Geez, I didn’t know he was that old…)
The Prince is alive and well in America:
Greetings from rural Lincolnshire.
Look at it this way.
At least few people will realistically suggest replacing our British monarchy with a home grown (Maori) variety.
There again, David Cunliffe might!
It looks like whether it’s a constitutional monarchy or constitutional republic, the Leftist traitors inside the gates manage to destroy it.
For all the use the British monarchy is, you could replace ’em with a gang of wombles and not notice the difference. Except the wombles would be cheaper.
They live a life of unearned privilege, far removed from the consequences of government policies which are destroying a culture and they don’t give a fuck about it.
Why should they? Like Cameron and his cronies, they’re insulated from the hard realities ordinary British people face every day.
They’re no less traitors than Blair and Cameron, and the sooner the Brits get rid of their blind infatuation with them the better.
If you want to know the full extent of the royal family’s depravity go to the “Hang the Bankers” website and click on the image of Prince Phillip.
Aww man , i’m sick a all this , ”he stole-he drove drunk-he lied to the pigs crap.
It’s not my fault whitey invented beer and locked doors and cars.It’s my right to
terrorize whitey bro.Tuku Morgan said so , (peace be upon him).
There there, you poor dear….look, here’s a nicey shiny new treaty settlement for you…..
The Danish prince is a DUDE and his wife is beautiful–she shoots w/ the Danish troops – you know-
C-CS-1/2 Dane
She sure does, Carol. A sensible woman.
Does anyone else think it’s strange the way journalists spit out Leftist propaganda continuously on one hand, yet do back summersaults when reporting on the activities of Princess Mary the Dane? Communism and Royalty make very strange bedfellows, unless there is something we don’t know…
It’s a matter of who is a member of the ruling class, Malachi. Leftists see themselves that way, especially “journalists”. Superior to the mere serfs, you see. They’d prefer to cozy up to the aristocracy than mere working peasants, because they know what’s best for us.
I’m watching Fox News and channeling my inner Oliver Cromwell who says, ….”Start with the king and work your way down the food chain.”