“The ABC is out of control.”

Read it and be appalled. Either the Abbott government brings this taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda outfit under control, or the government will fall. These people simply do not accept the will of the Australian people, expressed at the ballot box.
Grow a pair, Tony, or the left will own Australia for decades.

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7 Responses to “The ABC is out of control.”

  1. pascal says:

    SSM is all over the globe. But that doesn’t make it global. That word is verboten.

  2. Malachi Martin says:

    It is noteworthy that politicians in Australia will privatize any government agency except that which is responsible disseminating propaganda. The ABC should be privatized. Of course, that will not improve the rubbish that comes out of that source (look at the political correctness in the commercial stations), but at least we would not have to pay the bill.

  3. Darin says:

    “Figures lie and Liars figure” was always my grandfather’s favorite saying on this subject.The populations of the western world have been so dumbed down as to believe anything.

    The media will throw up a set of statistics,slant a few words and create a mountain out of a Mole hill.Two classic examples are the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere every year.They throw out some huge number that people can’t relate to and then give no frame of reference as to how that number relates to the whole.”120 billion tons a year” was a favorite of their’s for years.They never mentioned that the Earth’s atmosphere is something on the order of 80Octillion tons of which that 120billion number works out to .04% of the total,nothing more than a rounding error.

    The other scam are any statistics they can use to paint an enemy in a a bad light.Last year there was a stat on Obesity in the US.I am the first to admit we have a lot of porkers here,but the way the national media skewed the numbers was sickening.The media is biased against the South in general and Red states in particular,so they couldn’t resist that one.The headlines they ran were “8 of 10 southern states the fattest by far”.

    The author then went on a socialist diatribe blaming Conservative,Bible thumping tea baggers and their “Traditional values and diets” as being the cause of why those “Southern Red states” are the fattest.Not particularly those words,but that’s the impression the article left.

    The spread between the leanest states and the fattest?- .7% another rounding error in the grand scheme of things :roll:

    So who do we shoot,the bastards writing the stuff,or the idiots lapping up every word of it?Either way we are gonna need a lot of bullets.

  4. Ronbo says:

    …not only are the Australians being raped by ABC, they are further injured by having to pay for the room :!: :twisted:

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    I have to agree with pascal KG. This crap is typical of MSM in all western countries. What I don;t get is ABC is supposed to be the mouthpiece of the Australian Govt. isn’t it? Why doesn’t Abbot clean house? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

    • KG says:

      In a word: Turnbull.
      The ABC charter requires them to provide “fair and balanced” reporting, regardless of the government of the day. But the place is staffed with hardcore leftists and until they’re purged, nothing will change.