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Prosecute or impeach the undocumented creep.
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On the other hand:
Buchanan has always been a hack, and it is positively sad because he is no stupid man.
He’s pounding for the GOPe here. Here’s the proof in his own words.
“Democrats are talking impeachment to rally a lethargic base to come out and vote this fall to prevent Republicans from taking control of the Senate, and with it the power to convict an impeached president.”
He is clearly not stupid. But only a stupid one or one who expects his readers to be ignorant would have written “and with [control of the Senate] the power to convict.”
He knows it takes 2/3 to convict. But it only take 51 Senate seats to control the Senate.
Buchanan should not be taken seriously, He very words are reinforcing the Left-wing’s know-nothings and not a few of that sort on the Right.
Just damn him and the CNN horse he rides on.
Agreed, Pascal. It’s interesting how GOP opposition to impeachment is developing.
There’s no question there are sufficient grounds, and to argue against it on the basis that it might energize the Dem base is absurd. Because to leave the asshole in power for another two years IS to see the “fundamental transformation” he promised duly delivered.
But of course, for the GOP that’s a feature, not a bug…..
The GOP got burned badly by the Clinton impeachment. Impeaching the first black President – who has worked hard to make formally small race issues into giant ones – is a non starter. The only good thing about Obama is that he’s that dose of socialist medicine that will either kill or cure. Another 200,000 latino immigrants is small potatoes compared to the eventual enactment of real immigration reform. And the will for that is building – thanks to the Communist in Chief.
Immigration reform is simple: build a fence and secure the fucking border!
Like Krauthammer said “If a fence doesn’t work, why is there one around the White House?”
So, I read with interest the link Michael put up the other day, to the article at the Daily Caller, which said the Regime is sending stormtroopers to Murrieta to keep the Proles quiet during the invasion.
And I recall somewhere, someone saying there’s been a call put out to the various Militias in California and Texas to form up along the border to keep the invaders out.
And I watched the other day a movie called ‘The Arroyo’, in which a rancher decided to protect his own border property, in the face of do-nothingness from local law enforcement and Congress.
And I wonder to myself, is this Act II? The regime blinked at the Bundy ranch; are they thinking Patriot Militias will be less willing to protect and defend urban California than they were rural Nevada? Or are they deliberately trying to provoke armed conflict?
Either way, unless the regime blinks again – unlikely – this is not a situation that can possibly end well. My money’s on them provoking a situation where someone is forced to defend themselves, and they’ll use it to conduct a massive crack-down on patriots everywhere.
“My money’s on them provoking a situation where someone is forced to defend themselves, and they’ll use it to conduct a massive crack-down on patriots everywhere.”
(I tried to buy the DVD of that movie, but it wasn’t possible, and it’s not possible to watch it online here. Lousy marketing, imho)
Agreed. Stupid bloody geo-thingy-locking. I downloaded it from the torrents and then sent a few bucks to Declaration with an email asking whether it was oversight, or if they didn’t think there would be any freedom-loving people outside the US who would enjoy their movie.
Any particular torrent site, Gantt? I’m told some are a bit dodgy.
Most are *very* dodgy. Unless you want a Russian bride, a Chinese girlfriend, or the company of a lonely married woman who is right now within 1.6 miles of your current location!
I got it from The Pirate Bay, which seems to be one of the less disreputable ones (albeit the very dodgy adverts in the sidebar!)
Thanks. I’ll give it a go in the early hours of the morning, when things are at least marginally faster.
I can get it to you on a stick, if you’d prefer?
Quickly since yours very truly has but scant time due to preparing for the 4th of July well yes although some say better late than never however yours very truly does not know much about the topic other than it is as all have said hence there is little to add from my exctsperiounce in reality this BlackBerry Kompound is becoming slightly, ah, unglued with all the change yvt can believe in or not things are so busybee in these heah parts est Gallia est divisa into tre parties one upstairs, one on this level and one in the basement nnear Gillotto’s Near Death Tavern & Ho-house where OOPPSSS!!!gotta beep hello to all in our 56-57th Steaks love you mean it
Dang stay away attending to numerous and varied details, return and who shows up but Harvard? wdd bog administreuator pls do sumding bout dat? Sheet.
Cough, I may have TB. I sat next to two 3.5 foot tall illegals At Hardee’s this morning speaking Mexican the entire time. I failed to enjoy my gravy biscuit.
Go get your booster shots, contempt!
Do they make one for illegalpox?
Yes, they do. It comes in the form of 9mm parabellum.
So you can get used to it.
It is all by design. Slavery was never abolished.
The whole scenario has nothing to do with the immigrants. It is all about the federal government (AKA HBSC) having control of everything. What the left never realizes is tightening control on patriots is like closing your fist on a palm full of water. It all seeps out from between your fingers.
Gantt@ 15:25 “I can get it to you on a stick, if you’d prefer?”
I think I would, Gantt, if you can be bothered. I just tried to download the player from TPB and my Sophos antivirus flagged it as a bug and quarantined it.
On its way tomorrow.
Thank you! I owe you one. (or is that..”yet another”?)
Absolutley nothing about this goddamn invasion on NZ news sites (i don’t watch teevee).
This is nothing short of the left, and msm covering for hussein, and prime weasle of NZ
is his best friend!.Look’s like middle NZ is about to be buggered soon too.My only hope is that the real America finds the will to oppose the bastards before its too late.
“This is nothing short of the left, and msm covering for hussein, and prime weasle of NZ is his best friend!”
Exactly. Mustn’t let mere inconvenient facts spoil the narrative, eh?
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