and the omission is deliberate:
‘..Nearly 300 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israel in recent weeks, including a barrage of close to 100 projectiles on Monday alone..’
But plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth for those “poor Palestinians” when the IDF acts to protect civilians….
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Time to get real: close the borders, shut off the power, shut off the water, send in the napalm & incendiaries. Problem solved permanently within a month.
Don’t be too quick to stick up for Israel. They are Semites just like the Arabs and both as bad as one another. I favour neither side. A true “Crusader” trusts the Jews no more than the Arabs.
They are NOT as bad as one another. Period.
I could give you countless examples, but suspect it’d be a waste of time.
Shock, horror…………….not. The BBC admits to using false images.
Amazed, we are….
Whatever Israel does to defend herself is too much in the eyes of the Leftist Anti-Semites and the Muzbots Axis of Evil, so if I were the Israeli PM I’d order the IDF to bomb Gaza to the ground and machine gun the survivors.
Like my favorite Army D.I. always said, “It’s okay to be hated, if you are also FEARED.”
An IDF spokesman just said they’re “past the point of no return” with Hamas.
If I belonged to Hamas, I’d be somewhat worried on hearing that……
First thing they did was take out the runway at the local Gaza airport so the rats can’t leave town unless it’s by road.And the IDF Apaches rule the roads
Thanks for getting the truth out.
No thanks due, Rona. Our masthead says “for Liberty” and there can be no liberty without truth.
Israel represents liberty in an ocean of despotism.
Hamas also invaded from the sea…well almost
Silly, silly little evil scumbags……
Camels don’t float!
Who’d have guessed?
I’ve said since 9/11 that the world’s non-Muslim nations join together in a grand alliance to destroy Islam
The Muzbots have long declared total war against anyone who disagrees with their barbarian-pagan-totalitarian religion and it’s time the over 80% non-Muslims of the world return the favor.
In fact, I’d even say kind words about Russia’s Putin if he’d step up as the leader of this new crusade.
I am convinced that the left is anti-Semitic. When I read some of the leftist drivel, there is always the taint of anti-Semitism. Given that the left was the foundation from which fascism arose, it is not surprising to find that the Jews are still hated by the left. What is surprising is that there are many Jews who are leftists themselves. It really makes one wonder.
As the mainstream media is mostly comprised of leftists, is it really any wonder that new reports are highly critical of Israel?
Here’s the cause of the rockets…RamaRage!
I don’t know why the west is so obsessed with this shitty dispute, muslims will always hate Jews, just the way it is, so stay out of it. The palestinians never play fair an they always hate Israel no matter what. Just leave israel to take out the trash as they see fit.
Whether they carpet bomb the joint or just send in a few missiles, i really don’t give a damn anymore. They have a monumental problem i’m grateful we don’t have, so leave them to deal with it as best they see fit.