‘Steven Spielberg’s Dinosaur Pic Sparks False Social Media Outrage
“I did not know that Steven Spielberg is a dinosaur hunter,” said Andrea O’Donnell Koran. “I am not only outraged, but disgusted!!”
“This is no sport!!” cried Omega McCracken, as Sondre Jorstad questioned: “Why did he kill such a rare animal?’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Other than the stupidity of anti hunting activists, this shows just how good the special effects guy/gals are. Wel done them
Never underestimate the elevator-in-the-basement stupidity of Gen Y social media dummies.
There’s one doing the rounds at the moment: some stupid girl saying “Ohmigod! They just kept filming and didn’t try to help those people when the Titanic was sinking.”
Reminds me of a comment I read on a British website when “The Passion of Christ” was released, where someone thought it was supposed to be a remake of “The Life of Brian.”
Bloody hopeless.
The problem is they think that what they see on TV and in the movies is reality. It is not helped that their teachers and the mainstream media do all their thinking for them. Actually scratch the teachers and
repeatersreporters from that comment as they are also products of left-wing brain-washing.“The London Underground” was an anti-Nazi resistance movement in Britain during WW II” – At least that’s what one of my 10th grade world history students told me for extra credit during my short tour of duty as a teacher in the late 1980s on an examination.
I didn’t have the heart to tell the boy that the London Underground “The Tube” was the subway system for the city and the Germans never occupied Britain in WW II.
Another said that when she and her family visited Memphis, Tenn. during their summer vacation they didn’t see any of that historical Egyptian stuff she read about in the history books, but they did discover Graceland and the home of Elvis.
Yes, Memphis, Tennessee and ancient Memphis, Egypt, a common mistake.
Then there was the 16 year old kid who insisted the “Minnesota Vikings” founded that state and wore horned helmets….neither is true.
The boy also thought that “John Lenin” was a Beetle.
Typical moonbat thinking. Pay no attention to it.
“Pay no attention to it.”
Er… check post title.
And now that politics is war by other means, Clausewitz must be laughing in his crypt.
He surely must.
I’m a Gen X’er,but one who had parents who raised an adult.50% of Gen X are useless drug addled wankers.
85% of Gen Y are useless,self-absorbed,narcissistic little monkey cunts not fit to fuel a boiler with.
Let’s face it,people with an IQ above 85 are now vastly out numbered,it’s not looking good for humanity,welcome to Zombieland
“85% of Gen Y are useless,self-absorbed,narcissistic little monkey cunts not fit to fuel a boiler with.”
HOLY SHIT!! There was just a PSA on the tube about Quit Line to help smokers quit. The ‘female’ giving the information was bucktoothed, had a ring in her lower lip and false fingernails so long she could hardly type. I wouldn’t take advice from her for anything…r4un like hell in the opposite direction yes, take advice no. What possesses these idiots in Government to put that as the face of quitting smoking???
I’m still sniggering about that one!
on second thoughts..following the grisly images on cig’ packs…its a ploy ..the images of these quitline presenters are going to get increasingly more hideous ..[until smokers give up!]…me – not!
If it was real, it would be a great reason to buy a .600 nitro express…
Sure would. I doubt the .243 would be enough gun.
I doubt an M2 would be enough gun
Bloody good thing he shot it. Can you imagine the damage it would cause to the local botanical garden display if it got loose. I know there are not many of these creatures left wandering about but needs must. I would be personally OFFENDED if one entered my back yard and interfered with the dog.
I could see a city council hastily drafting an ordinance banning them Mara
Imagine having one of those crap on the lawn……