‘How safe now are the Jews of France?’

Not very

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12 Responses to ‘How safe now are the Jews of France?’

  1. Anti-Semitism has been steadily rising in Europe. The steady growth of hatred toward Jews tracks right along with the growing numbers of Muslims who reside there. France has even stopped teaching children about the Holocaust in order to keep from offending Muslim sensibilities. The French have paid a high price for their stupidity. As has the rest of Europe. Child prostitution, narcotics trafficking, vandalism and cultural changes, have all combined to strip away the feel of home for the Kafir. No go areas have emerged in Britain and France, and European women are being raped and beaten by Islamic men who see them as lower life forms. In Britain, the most popular name for boys is Muhammad. The British have even recognized Sharia courts and they even support decisions made by Sharia law. Anyone who speaks out against any of this is branded a fascist.

    Europe fought fascists once, you would think that they would know one when they see one. Especially given that there were two Muslim Brotherhood SS Divisions assisting with the Holocaust and who helped Nazi war criminals escape. But apparently they are having memory problems in their dotage.

    • KG says:

      It can be summed up in one word, William:

      • Darin says:

        “Europe fought fascists once, you would think that they would know one when they see one.”

        They didn’t see them coming then,and they certainly didn’t learn anything from what happened after.That is a lesson that goes back to WWI and beyond.It’s always the same cycle-aggression-denial-appeasement-pissing contests-war-truce-reparations-wash-rinse-repeat.

        The same thing is happening all over again.Aggression (muslims holding our freedoms hostage) denial (it’s just the violent ones that are the problem)appeasement (multiculturalism and diversity for diversity’s sake) pissing contest(proxy wars)will there be war?Absolutely,it’s as sure as the setting Sun.Will there be a truce?Also sure,just which side will raise the white flag first is the only thing in question.

        • Yokel says:

          I agree with the comments about not seeing it coming and about a start much earlier. What struck me when I started paying attention to what my parents’ generation had needed to do during the 39-45 war was what happened next. After spending 6 years disposing of the threat from the German National Socialist Workers Party, they came home and voted Labour who promptly nationalised everything in sight. That it seemed to that generation a perfectly rational thing to do makes me absolutely certain that the mind rot had set in a couple of generations earlier. Which brings us to round about the founding of the Fabian Society in 1906 (or thereabouts). From what I have seen of the history of the Church of England, the rot set in there at about the same time. By that I mean they became increasingly about Social Services and less about preaching the unadulterated Gospel as set out in the Bible.

          The road to ruin seems to be a long and gentle one, undetectable by many until it is far too late to reverse it without a major fight. Welcome to the fight!

  2. Findalis says:

    When the last Jew leaves Europe the White Christians will then discover what it means to be on the receiving end of Muslim hatred. It cannot happen to a most deserving people.

    • Ronbo says:

      European Christians :?:

      This is an oxymoron and I speak as one who six years in Germany during the 1970s…even then the churches were little more than tourist destinations. My German friends told me the only reason they were in good repair was because the government charged a “church tax” for maintenance and the salaries of the ministers/priests who were civil service workers for all intent and purposes.

      I remember one Sunday in Berlin during the late 1970s I went on a Sunday morning tour of churches, and I remember this really beautiful and very large church near the downtown, and aside from me, the elderly minister and his ancient assistants, we were the only ones present.

      After the service I asked the minister if attendance was always like this in my best broken German and he responded, “No, generally speaking no one is here except for myself and the staff. I’m afraid my flock died off over the years and never replaced by the young ones.”

      At this time Berlin had a growing 250,000 population of Turkish Muslims and the store front Mosques were crowded…http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      What a lot of complete and utter bullshit, Findalis. Every single Christian I know – white, black, yellow, polka-dotted – is vehemently and unashamedly pro-Israel. Several have been involved in arguments in the street here in NZ with pro-Fakestine useful idiots.

      Do NOT make the mistake of thinking the socialists, homosexualists and leftist arseholes in positions of authority in the mainstream denominations (including the current pope and arch-asshole of canterbury) speak for Christians, Christianity or Christendom. They don’t; in fact, they are the reason so few Christians bother attending Church. Look instead to the independent congregations whose memberships are thriving. You will see Israel has a friend in genuine Christianity (not the mikquetoast version preached in the mainstream).

      • KG says:

        What Gantt said. Absolutely. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif
        Your idiot hostility towards Christians is going to get you banned from here, Findalis. We support Israel, but that doesn’t give Jews a free pass to bash us in return. :evil: Right now, Jews need all the friends they have and reflexive, ignorant motormouths are doing their fellow Jews no fucking favours at all.
        Do I sound pissed off? If so, it’s because I am. A majority of American and Australian Jews voting leftward is bad enough. Damned if I’ll be insulted as well.

        • Darin says:

          Make that three,I have said it before,if Israel is in danger of falling,if I can get there I will go and defend her.Israel is THE only island of modern civilization in a sea of ignorance and murder,Israel must not fall.

  3. andy5759 says:

    Yup, Israel needs friends. The United States of Arabia are turning agin ya. USA is fast becoming a Muslim state. And their was me, thinking Barry O’bama was just another “Irish – American President”. The Boston and Chicago Irish votes are tiny compared to the potential of preacher-driven votes.

  4. andy5759 says:

    There, not their. Sorry, I am literate (ish).http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif