‘..George Orwell warned us that a ruthless, totalitarian government would use the prosecution of “thought crimes” as a weapon against its people to crush dissent in his book 1984. Welcome to the “fundamentally transformed” America of 2014, where hate crimes are the new thought crimes, i.e. laws that can be used to imprison citizens for expressing ideas that are contrary to the current thinking of the regime in power..’ HERE
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Once again, George Orwell is the prophet, although I doubt the government can get a conviction for these alleged “hate crimes”….this year.
Conviction or not, Ronbo, the chilling effect on free speech remains.
Many formerly outspoken people are now self-censoring – a pernicious habit easy to acquire and difficult to guard against.
(Unless, like Wabbit, one suffers from “geriatric Tourette’s” )
It would be funny, if it weren’t so tragic. But it was proven that the President is responsible for the masses of children flowing over our Southern border. Harry Reid says that the border is secure, but apparently not secure enough to prevent a toddler from crossing it, and that calls Senator Reid’s definition of “secure” into question. The Federal government is rife with leftist activism, as are many State and local governments. I believe that they tire of having to explain their lunacy to the citizens who pay their salaries, and so they are beginning to call such dissent hate crimes in an effort to intimidate the public.
The left has never had any qualms about using intimidation to get it’s way. AG Holder’s refusal to go after the Black Panthers who stood outside of a polling place armed with nightsticks dressed in black, and the refusal of the DA to prosecute union thugs who beat a man, sent a strong message. The actions of the police are suspect as well. People wearing Gadsden flags are often targeted for “special” treatment. Worse, the Republican Party is in on this as well.
I learned last night, that the Republican Party paid for ads branding the Tea Party as racist in Missouri. That is akin to the Democratic political consultant that painted Joe Liebermann in blackface. Frankly, I don’t know how much more my nation can take. We have an imbecile in the White House, a media that are nothing more than lickspittles, a Congress that does nothing so well as grid lock, and political parties that care not for honor, integrity, or fair play. Oh, and we have an invasion of foreign children overrunning our Southern border.
A German politician observed recently that the Pax Americana has kept many an ill off of the world’s stage. That if she fell, there would be no one as beneficent to replace her. What he said is not nearly important as what moved him to say it. You don’t say things like that if you do not believe that it is not possible for America to fall. Even Hillary Clinton has been speaking of American greatness, and from her post modern perspective, that is something. But once the forest is burned, how do you reverse it? The simple answer is that you cannot.
As much as I hate to say it, I believe that Orwell may well be right. When we began this century, we had hope. In less than fifteen years we have squandered that hope, and now know fear. We fear our own government, and our elected representatives. We fear for the future, and we fear for our children. When George W. Bush was President, we did not have this fear. That fear is a gift from the left. Because without fear, how can there be intimidation?
Maybe it’s the darkest night just before the dawn