Senate Republicans paid for Mississippi attack ads painting tea partiers as racist: report
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- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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I’ve decided what I am going to do come Nov,I am going to vote for Travis Childers.
The Teaparty busted ass and gave the Republican party control over both state houses and the governorship for the first time since Reconstruction.What did they do?Turned around,stabbed us in the back and denied us the candidate we wanted for Senator.
The GOP establishment has effectively taken a long shot candidate in the form of Travis Childers(moderate Dem) and made him a viable candidate.
It would be poetic justice if on election night the Republicans are locked out of Senate majority by one Senate seat from Mississippi,the one they handed the Dems.
While I certainly understand your frustration and being pissed, you being given a Hobson’s Choice (rotten one way or the other) is what should really rankle you (it does me and I don’t live there). Voting for the Dem can’t be the answer. Remember the order of the boxes you have available to you? I suspect you find yourself left with only the last one (see recent MS supreme Injustice’s ruling on McDaniel request for access to poll info).
I am sure you see that as not your preferred option either.
Punishing the GOP by electing a Dem carries for you nothing but spiteful desperation (that I can see). Your stated choice has you supporting the Left hand of the ruling class whose Right hand smote you. We all know that that’s no answer.
I surely pray for you for a new leader, one who can pull off a peaceful uprising down there that really scares the rascals into backing off this time. Long shot Darin.
I just don’t give a damn anymore Pascal.If you only knew all the blood,sweat and tears that the folks in the Tea party here put in to effecting real change.
It’s not just this senate seat election,this has been in the makings here since 2009.Many people outside the state don’t have any clue as to what the political makeup of the state is.We are not a deep red state,Purple is a better description.It was an uphill climb all the way to get both state houses and the governor seat in the control of the republican party.We didn’t do it with pac money,or support from outside interests.We did it by sacrificing,scraping ,saving and emptying our wallets.
I’m done Pascal,I am done being told that I need to sacrifice my principles to just vote for the RINO and just go along to get along.If a man can’t stand for principle then he has nothing left to stand for.I was inclined to just sit out this election and let the chips fall where they may,but now that Cochran & Co. are rubbing everybody raw it’s gone personal.I am reminded of the quote from Atlas Shrugged-
““If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders – What would you tell him?”
Sorry friend,but this is one time I must shrug.
I know that despair is a sin and wanted to help you if I could.
Well, at least join with me in regularly calling these people SKUNC*s.
They stink bad enough. Your response is proof of that. And their doing it soto voce proves that they clearly have a yellow streak down their backs (if my cartoonist will finally finish the job you’ll see it!)
It’s simply wrong to call them RINOs. Rhinos are tough and is simply too complimentary to be as derogatory as they have earned.
I’d call them snakes, which they are, but that acronym doesn’t work.
*Statist Knowingly Undermining National Charters
Statist Kneeling to United Nations Control
Stooges Konniving to Unhinge National Consciousness (this one was specialized for SSM members)
Damn right, Darin. NONE of these bastards will do the right thing unless forced to by the threat of having their meal ticket pulled. What a pack of c*nts.
I don’t care anymore,can’t wait for Nov to get here though,should be interesting.
Meanwhile I hope to be enjoying the cool weather this weekend.For the record,this is not at all normal.Ordinarily it would be a 90-95f average with high humidity.Today the humidity dropped and there was a good north wind blowing.
It is now difficult to know who to vote for since nobody willing to do the right thing – border, taxes, nail oBowa, etc. – is even on the horizon. First McCain vs oBowa, then oBowa naming most of us “potential terrorists,” one insult piled on to another.
@Darin, we have Senator L. Graham over here. Will trade him for 1 bale of cotton or less maybe a Q-tip.
Hey y’all, don’t get me started.
btw: good read – Breach of Trust, by Andrew J. Basevich, on another subject concerning the gap between Americans and our volunteer military.
!!!TUGA*!!!BlackBerry has advised yours very truly that the weather is great @ my former 46 bedroom, 56 bathrooms** 10 acre cottage at The Vineyard where at one point in yvt’s life life was good not simply an existence BUT now following several years in BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound the manner of living has diminished a thousand-fold let yvt tell U. !!!OMG!!!now they are calling for yvt to clean the fish & yvt must not broadcast that the fish were “caught” using a stick of dynamite tossed into the sea WILL someone pretty please come get me? All these years of insider reporting and not one individual even the bog administraitor r darill r d grunt guy r miss ms mrs mr it middle age wipe man nobody will help YIKES here comes Diplomatic Pouchiiiieeeeiiiiyeiyieiii
Yours Verilily Trulilily HarvardPotatoHead, Harvard Law School Graduate, Cambridge Massa2setz
*TUGA – there u go again
**loos, yvt thinks they say in the 56-57th Steaks.
Go see your therapist Harvard. Dang.
So, you missed the coded messages in Harvard’s missive, Contempt?
African-American Captain America
The move is said to be part of a push by Marvel to increase diversity among its massive cadre of heroes, including the reported creation of a teenage superhero Ms. Marvel – who is a 16-year-old Muslim girl named Kamala Khan – and the creation of an African American Spider-Man with Miles Morales taking on the role of Spidey in the “Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man series.”
It’s all pandering horse shit. I hope the bastards go broke, but given the brain-dead generation they’re aimed at I wouldn’t bet on it.
I’ll see your hyphenated Captain America and raise you hymenated Thor.
Very clever, Michael.