‘Volker Turk, the director of international protection for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said … the UNHCR shared Australia’s concern about people smuggling and loss of life at sea, but pointed to the approach of Italy, which had rescued 64,000 asylum seekers in the Mediterranean since the start of the year…’
Ignoring – of course – questions of national sovereignty, social cohesion, security and expense.
Why? Because we, the mere serfs, will have to carry those burdens, leaving assholes such as Turk to preen themselves over their imagined moral superiority. It’s time we told these creeps to fuck off out of our business. Just as in the U.S., this is a deliberate program to swamp and obliterate white Western cultures, NOT a “refugee crisis” If it really was that, then countries such as Russia and Japan and China would be rescuing “refugees” It’s nothing less than cultural genocide and it’s time do-gooder Westerners woke up to the fact.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Australia has become the world’s first developed nation to repeal carbon tax
“It removes a A$9 billion a year handbrake on our economy,” said Abbott
mawm, I heard some Aussie commentator moaning about that and lamenting that other countries were considering implementing such a tax. I came close to kicking the radio! I get so tired of these idiots. They should listen to this
Long but covers the issue thoroughly with wit, sarcasm, and genuine science!
Canada has refused to sign up for Kyoto 2, Japan has reneged on their promised reduction targets and now Aus. Things are looking up. I’m sure Johnkey will not be doing anything to shake the UN tree with his supporting Hulun’s ascent to the throne and looking after his post PM prospects. The man has no spine.
O/T to the Volker Turk, sounds like a made-up name; People-r Muzzie labour imports?? but in regards to the U.S invasion. I read a comment on a blog saying the U.S govt is now using armed men to force whites to accept diseased Latrinos. Kinda like how they used armed (white) men to force whites to accept blacks into their communities.
And we’ve seen how that worked out.
I wonder/worry about it happening here. For example my young mate who is off to the army in two months has no experience of multi-cult. Only Chinese takeaways and kebabs. So far the boats have been stopped and the carbon-tax repealed, but I can’t help thinking of uber-baddie Bane from the last Batman [mis-quoting] “Only with hope can you TRUELY know despair”
Your readers are awake, how many more, if given correct info, will wake up

How stupid id the Obama (AKA HBSC) Administration you ask?
John Key never had any spine.
He wanted to be PM in order to party with the elite, not because he gives a toss
about the future of New Zealand. Our weakest PM of all time, bar none!!