Francis W. Porretto nails it:

‘..The Republican Party will not act to rescue Constitutional government. It hasn’t done anything about it for eighty years; why expect it to start now? Therefore, electoral politics, conveniently rigged by law and the collusion of the major media to permit only Democrats and Republicans to bid successfully for high office, is no longer of use to us. Indeed, it has become our enemies’ principal tool for keeping us in subjection.  (emphasis mine KG)
The implication should be clear. As unpleasant as it sounds, only if decent Americans tired of deceit and oppression were to boycott electoral politics completely, thus reducing national vote totals to unprecedentedly low levels, could we emphasize that the political elite has lost all mandate to govern us…’

“On Knowing Your Enemies”

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15 Responses to Francis W. Porretto nails it:

  1. KG says:

    “.. could we emphasize that the political elite has lost all mandate to govern us…’
    Which begs the question: What then?
    Does the loss of the mandate legitimise rebellion? Will it even lead to rebellion on a significant scale?
    A political elite without a mandate to govern would have to resort to naked force in order to stay in power…and the weapons available to them would be formidable indeed.

    • Darin says:

      Heh…I can do naked force too :twisted:

      • KG says:

        A few of us here can, Darin. But I, for one, don’t do suicide on behalf of apathetic bastards who won’t stand and fight.
        In defense of a breakaway State of like-minded people, yes, I would.

  2. KG says:

    On a more cheery note, I’m probably going to take Oswald Bastable’s advice and swap the Sako .243 for a suppressed semi-auto .223 poodlegun when we get to NZ. :twisted:

    • Darin says:

      So you will be able to get one of those “uber scary looking” AR-15s now?

      You’ll want some m855 ammo for special occasions :twisted:

      • KG says:

        Ruger Mini 14
        :sad: Still a damn poodleshooter. But handy. And I think NZ is restricted to 5 round mags. However…… :twisted:

        • Darin says:

          If it will handle 5.56 NATO it will be a poodle shooter that with clean punch 1/4″ steel @200yrds :grin:

          It’s a shame Ruger didn’t build the thing to accept AR mags,but then if they did they wouldn’t be able to get $35 for a $4 mag and we can’t have that can we?

          5rd restriction?Still sucks,but at least you’ll have a semi.

          • KG says:

            The 14 will handle 5.56 NATO flawlessly, according to Chuck Hawks, Darin.
            There has to be a way around the 5rd restriction. :twisted:

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              I’m sure a man such as yourself knows people in low places, and I’m sure at least some of those are handy with machine tools?

              Or were you talking about a “legal” way around it?

  3. Flashman says:

    The UK Daily Mail is carrying a headline concerning the empty suit’s lack of response to the Malaysian Airlines shoot-down and backs it up with a hit-piece describing the golfer as “weak” and “timid” whose foreign policy elevator has had its cables cut.

    • Ronbo says:

      Are we talking about President O’Bummer of the USA :?:

      If so, from his Progressive viewpoint his foreign policy is working like a clockwork orange – His good buddy Putty Putin is getting back his Soviet Union and America is losing all her European allies.

      You see O’Bummer thought it wasn’t fair for the world to have only one superpower, so he’s doing what he can to see to it that Russia and China get back to the old superpower Cold War thingy.

      And O’Bummer is cutting down our nuclear weapons, so that we don’t have more than Russia and China..

      American foreign policy is all about fairness these days… :evil:

  4. Ronbo says:

    In regards to the referenced article:

    Never forget that it was the REPUBLICANS who created the Progressive big government movement under Teddy Roosevelt in the early 1900s – and that the first full bore Progressive political party was the “Bull Moose” led by the same T.R. to defeat the conservative GOP of Taft in 1912.

    The only difference between Progressive Republicans and Progressive Democrats is over foreign policy – the Progressive Republicans want America to be the world policeman and export “democracy” – whereas, the Progressive Democrats do not favor foreign adventures.

    Other than foreign policy the two wings of the Progressive movement disagree on little, for instance, the Democrats had no problem with Common (Communist)Core Education, which was a Progressive GOP idea.

    I call the two major American political parties, “The New Tories” and like the old Tories of the American Revolution, they are totally loyal to the king-emperor.