The latest Woodpile Report:
‘..The middle class is the designated prey in all this. This is unwise. Middle class America is no less violent than any other people. They seem passive because they’re results oriented. They rise not out of blood frenzy but to solve the otherwise insoluble…
…Come such a time, we shall find our personal default mode to be as bad as we imagine. It had better be. When good people arrive at the bottom they’ll find it already populated with masters of lawlessness and violence by both inclination and long experience. Chances are they aren’t you, but don’t despair, the learning curve is no more steep than the descent. Should societal norms give way altogether, should there be a catastrophe, it won’t matter much who or what you are, only what you’ll do or not do. And we’ll all find out together.’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Japan not so quietly building a drone army.I’ll bet they will be smaller,cheaper and more efficient
And Rick Perry deploys National Guard to the border-
I’m old enough to remember when shoddy goods were said to be “made in Japan.” Those days are OVER. The Japanese people are intensively nationalistic and clever. I’m with you Darin.
“The middle class is the designated prey in all this. This is unwise. Middle class America is no less violent than any other people. They seem passive because they’re results oriented. They rise not out of blood frenzy but to solve the otherwise insoluble. Their methods of choice are good will, cooperation, forbearance, negotiation and finally, appeasement, roughly in that order. Only when these fail to end the abuse do they revert to blowback. And they do so irretrievably. Once the course is set and the outcome defined, doubt is put aside. The middle class is known, condemned actually, for carrying out violence with the efficiency of an industrial project where bloody destruction at any scale is not only in play, it’s a metric. Remorse is left for the next generation, they’ll have the leisure for it. We’d like to believe this is merely dark speculation. History says it isn’t.
Come such a time, we shall find our personal default mode to be as bad as we imagine. It had better be. When good people arrive at the bottom they’ll find it already populated with masters of lawlessness and violence by both inclination and long experience. Chances are they aren’t you, but don’t despair, the learning curve is no more steep than the descent. Should societal norms give way altogether, should there be a catastrophe, it won’t matter much who or what you are, only what you’ll do or not do. And we’ll all find out together.”
Great minds think alike, although he says it better than I have on many occasions – When the inevitable economic collapse happens, and the middle class is wiped out, hungry and homeless – the dogs of civil war will be released.
There’s an almost “secret” history of the 1930s depression, pieces here’n there, which show how close we came to a real-and-for-true bloody uprising. There’s much people don’t know of the era, so deep are the accounts buried. No need to ask why, now is there?
There surely isn’t, Remus.
By now perhaps our masters are hoping our manhood has been sufficiently drained and diluted that we will “go gently into that good night”?
You got that right, Cruz. They’re getting to believe their own propaganda. Classic mistake.