thief Protected by John Key, PM of New Zealand. ( bear in mind that this woman could spend taxpayer’s money as an MP, but nobody has ever cast a single vote for her!)

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12 Responses to CLAUDETTE HAUITI: Thief.

  1. Urban Redneck says:

    Being Mouldi, female and a lesbian. . . Such an opportunity to demonstrate what a “diverse” and “inclusive” “broad church” today’s progressive National party is.

    Never mind whether she is actually qualified or not !

    • KG says:

      Exactly. Any token maori will do.
      Mind you, she’s acting in accordance with the cultural norms of “her people.”

  2. KG says:

    ‘King’s son’s discharge appealed
    Crown Law is appealing the discharge without conviction given to the Maori King’s son early this month.’

  3. Cadwallader says:

    Put there on the list after her predecessor made a dick of himself over a bottle of wine. I think the Nats acted quickly and decisively in ditching her, but then again they gave her the position to begin with.

  4. KG says:

    When NZ was considering a shift to the MMP system, much was made of the fact that Germany had the same system.
    When the Germans dumped it because it allowed tiny minorities to impose their will on the majority and paralyze decision-making, NZ politicians were almost silent.
    Why? I suspect because it gave them a ready excuse to ignore the will of the majority.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      Germany still uses MMP – it changed a minor detail in the method of counting but not the overall system.

      Scotland uses MMP, but with separate regional lists instead of one country-wide list. Proportionality is the same, but list MPs have more of a link to actual electors than in NZ.

      Of course in the last Scottish election, MMP delivered a majority National government with an absolutely clear mandate. MMP could do the same here
      (except that National has no policies worth a mandate).

      • KG says:

        I understood that Germany effectively dumped it, Andrew. (This from a German who worked in government).
        Thanks for the extra info.

  5. Ronbo says:

    I understand the political woman will run for the U.S. Congress in a safe Democrat district This fall

    She said, and I quote, “I’ve had with minor league New Zealand corruption. I’m going to the major league USA and some real payola :!:

  6. MIchael in Nelson says:

    KG, I have had ‘spirited’ discussions with the Labour list MP they have stuck here. Not a lot of rational thought from her but plenty of the politics of envy.