The soft, stupid, naive West:

‘This story has it all:’
The scummy underbelly of progressivism and multiculturalism. Welcome to dhimmiland.

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13 Responses to The soft, stupid, naive West:

  1. George Romero says:
    Sorry KG , another link to an absurd situation concerning the religion of “peace”.
    Islam Must Be Destroyed On Sight! :x

  2. Pascal says:

    That’s the first time I ever encountered the term rort. Web crawler hits say it’s basically Austral, informal.

    How exactly is it different from scam?
    What other adjectives or adverbs does it imbue to scam and scamming?
    Is it chiefly found when describing what one will find at various govt troughs?
    Do you know if there is a Yank slang near-equal? I can’t think of one just now.

    CR: Expanding the ken of its readers one day at a time.

    [see your email KG. LOL]

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      In very general terms (from one who lived a short while in Australia and learned a little of a few of their customs and idiosyncrasies) people are scammed and programmes are rorted.

      Thus, a rort is generally the fraudulent taking of a government (federal, state or local) programme (MPs rort their expenses by claiming for items they’re not entitled – see the Claudette Hauiti story immediately preceding this one), a university programme (Fauxcahontas rorted the Penn and Harvard entrance requirements by claiming to be a member of a minority) or some other method of illegitimately taking of taxpayer’s funds.

      Whereas a scam is generally perpetrated by people against people (granny was scammed out of her life savings with her investment in snake oil bonds).

      • Ronbo says:

        We have have rort in America.

        ….only it’s called the U.S. Congress where insider trading is LEGAL :shock: rort :!: :cry:

        But at least we don’t have the “House Bank” anymore where a Congressman could write a worthless check, get the cash and never worry about paying it back to the Treasury. :mrgreen:

        • Pascal says:

          Thanks for the House Banking reminder. That seemed to fit the meaning of rort [spell-checker doesn’t like that word — yet] precisely. Seemingly unaccountable pigs at the trough.

      • Pascal says:


  3. KG says:

    Via Andrew Bolt:
    ‘[Sydney] Lord Mayor Clover Moore has more than doubled the budget for this year’s “secular” Christmas celebrations, amid bizarre warnings from shopping centre bosses that decorations could cause offence to non-Christians….’

  4. Mathew says:

    And we only know of this welfare rorting because it ended up in court. Who knows the number of welfare bludgers living large in some shithole off the Australian taxpayers.

    We can all sit and scream an rant about all this, but ultimately we the taxpayer also bears responsibility, we voted for welfare and the labor governments that enabled some of these scumbags to leech off us.

    • KG says:

      A huge part of the problem is that the Immigration Dept. and Centrelink have been infiltrated by the pricks, enabling their countrymen to scam the system.
      It’s way past time for an enquiry into this. :evil: