Would white Kiwis receive the same grovelling apology? We know the answer to that.
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This is just another grotesque example of the NZ government’s daily crawling to part-horis.
Sure is, Barry. I’ve no doubt the Commissioner received a nudge from his political masters.
….but the Big Chief Thunder Head looks like such a noble savage
Especially with the art work on his face
BTW, the policeman should have dressed up his “Class A” uniform when smoking the peace pipe…err, drinking tea… with the noble savage….General Custer always did… Well, at least until they cut off his pretty yellow hair.
Even worse, they are being paid compo. Twisted, upside down world.
Key is ten times worse than Clark, is he not??
I think so, Lara.
The logical progression of Progressives: O’Bummer is ten times worse than Carter.
Turning the screws, one election at a time…..
Yes, these savage bastards were/are as guilty as hell. And now, as much as they are empowered to continue their “training”, the constabulary will be cowed from ever again investigating such actions.
If it ever does begin in his country, it will emanate from the cess-pit that is the central North Island, and the Urewera National Park will be the rallying point for our foe.
Disgusting pig! , i’m talking about the cop