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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Shooting that worthless POS should be a community service!
I thought that might resonate with you, Oswald. We think alike in this.
What a life
Laying down rubber on a back road and driving recklessly
Clearly, Australia’s leading candidate for the Darwin Award…
BTW, if the old veteran wanted the punk dead, he’d be dead.
Best cure for shitty neighbors is 5 gallons of diesel and a flare gun,problem solved.
I’ve never had trouble with the vacant lot next door
Marine “subdues” burglar-
Subdue=Term used by Marines meaning “stomped a mud puddle in his ass”
The whiney little POS has already started breeding. How totally unexpected.
Please give me a hard question, KG. Obviously the old guy is wrong for defending his own street.
And he’s the one who will end up with a criminal conviction and the loss of his guns….while the punk suffers no penalty at all.
At least he has to buy a new car…
…and that may be a problem, as I don’t think his credit rating is very high.
Quite so.
The old one looked like it was worth somewhere around the price of two tinnies of dope. So, he can probably replace it from 20 minutes’ sales without having to even dip into his Centrelink welfare.
Either that, or a quick trip to Centrelink for an emergency grant and Bob’s your uncle, he’s off to the car yard with a pocket full of our money.
police are “available” to arrest the 61 yr old – but were not ‘available’ to arrest the punk whinny ass>all of the times he endangered the ‘…hood’ w./ his car ‘actions’-
as to the comments above-Right ON!!! ‘ya all–
and-as an aside>>
let’s watch out for the Second Amendment here in the US–
Sorry all but I have to take exception to this one. While I think the kid is an idiot and will cause an accident (most likely a one car as he goes off the road), it is not worth the death penalty. Shoot his car up, maybe, at the house and target him, no. I can think back to my misspent youth and the illegal antics I was involved in and am damn glad they were dealt with by an application of justice and not a vigilante.
The young idiot clearly does not realise than when you poke a bear often enough, it will turn on you. Nobody as stupid as this should be allowed to breed. But they invariably do exactly that. Years ago, we had rotten neighbours who kept a rooster which crowed nightly and hell, it started very early, long before daybreak. Long story short, it made very fine soup stock. The owners were too stoned or drunk to hear the shot. I know it was only a chook in this case but …… enough is sometimes, er well, enough. Never under estimate the fury of the “had enough” brigade.
We were living in a boatyard while I worked on a boat once, Mara and had the same problem. The rooster was driving everyone nuts but nobody was doing anything about it because it belonged to the boss.
So, one morning, it was a case of “cocka doodle BANG!”
Very satisfying. And nobody said a word.