Obama:”Muslims built the very fabric of our nation”


How much more proof does anyone need?We have a filthy muslim traitor in the WhiteHouse :evil:

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33 Responses to Obama:”Muslims built the very fabric of our nation”

  1. Ronbo says:

    The Left has a modern day Nazi-Soviet Pact with the Muslims, so I doubt Obama is anymore a Muslim than a Christian, he’s just doing politics with his new allies.

    Make no mistake – like the original Nazi-Soviet Pact – at some point the Progressives will plunge the dagger in their backs – this is not a stable alliance and on nearly everything aside from their hatred of Western Civilization – the Axis of Evil disagrees.

    The problem for us is that this will only happen when the Left thinks they have destroyed Western Civilization and no longer need allies like the Muslims. blacks, gays, Hispanics, etc.

    • Seneca III says:

      Ogabe and the rest of the so called Western ‘leadership’ are one of a kind, Ronbo. History dictates that ere to long they will meet behind the back of their conjoined ideological cesspit, each with one leg in the same pair of Jackboots, and daggers will certainly be drawn. The downside of it is a that lot of us are going to get caught up in the backwash but never the less I do look forward to this necessary cleansing I hope that I can hang around long enough to indulge myself in a little bit of serious social work http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif
      Rgds, S III

        • KG says:

          “I hope that I can hang around long enough to indulge myself in a little bit of serious social work”
          Me too, Seneca.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif We have the necessary qualifications, and this time it will be a pleasure, not just duty.
          ‘Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
          Death closes all: but something ere the end,
          Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
          Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods..’

          • Seneca III says:

            Thank you for reminding me of that, KG. It’s a long time since I read Ulysses and it did take even longer to pin it down :cry: :smile:

  2. Ronbo says:

    Militia Rising in Texas:

    Maybe that revolution we have been talking about is at last warming the Tea Pot:


  3. Pascal says:

    The headline at Breitbart “Obama: ‘Muslims built the very fabric of our nation'” does not match the exact quote at all as found in their own reporting and in the video. ” [The Obamas] thanking Muslim Americans for their many ‘achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.’” Just like we constantly point out that SSM does.

    I keep being reminded that Orwell warned us to be wary of any who remain permitted performing the role of Immanuel Goldstein.

    Breitbart was highly likely murdered, yet his foundation was permitted to remain. Why?

    Perhaps to publish angering headlines for which the underlying actual words are less smoking gunish. Just like we know SSM does.

    Who benefits when constitutionalists repeat headlines without investigating what was actually reported?
    The Statist. They love when the constitutionalists can be discredited so easily. It’s a bonus when they themselves successfully mislead us.

    Be careful out there.

    • Ronbo says:

      Don’t overestimate the enemy, Pacal, they fear us much more than we fear them.

      They know we have guns.

      They know we know how to use them.

      They know we are smarter and have our shit together.

      They know we outnumber them 4 to 1.

      Pascal, the enemy is not ten feet tall.

      He’s a midget pissing in his pants who knows the endgame for him is soon. :mrgreen:

      • Pascal says:

        Ron, I don’t think I’m overestimating our enemy with my cautionary.

        I have more than once said they haven’t an original idea in their heads, so we can anticipate based on their old behaviors. To a large extent they are following Lenin’s act. Control of info was a key component that allowed his tail to wag that dog.

        My message merely points to the evidence of subterfuge as part and parcel of the Statists’ deliberate misinformation programme.

        Knowing that Breitbart.com is not Andrew Breitbart is useful I think. At least in the short run. :)

        In the long run, I gotcha.

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: The famous sermon quote of Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright meant just that, “God Damn America.” I believe that America is a good country even though nearing overwhelming proportions. Remember the North America Corridor? It has pretty much happened if the truth were known. Too much. :roll:

  5. Kathleen says:

    The only Muslim I read or heard about in American history was in a ghost story in my state of Indiana. Beyond that there has been nothing of any Muslims in our history. Obama has old timers or something.

  6. Darin says:

    The only things muslims have contributed to the world in their entire history are death,destruction,murder and strife.
    The quicker they are eradicated the better off we all will be.

  7. mistress mara says:

    “The quicker they are eradicated the better off we will all be.” I suggest that most civilians in Western countries have little or no idea of Islam at all. But they can tell you the exact size of Kardashian’s arse. To the millimetre. There are probably university degrees on this topic. We are a weak target in the main.

    • Darin says:

      True Mara,I know over here 9/11 was long enough ago that we have a whole crop of teenages coming on that have no clue if asked.

      Can’t really say much about my generation either,we all watched it happen,witnessed every bit of it and most are too obsessed with sports to notice anything in the news.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Darin, you and I are the same age I think – old enough to have witnessed and understood the Reagan/Thatcher years without having been old enough to have really participated (politically speaking).

        It is our generation who have let down today’s teenagers. We saw the terrible might of the Soviet Union, and we saw Reagan and Thatcher defeat it. We have seen – and allowed – tyrannies to sprout up on our watch. We have watched as weak “leader” after weak “leader” has retreated, allowing the Soviet Union to start to re-grow, and the Islamo-Nazis take almost the entirety of North Africa and the M.E.

        It is the manifest failings of our generation – those (as you say) too obsessed with sports to take notice of world affairs and the moving of the chess pieces – that has brought the world to its current parlous state.

        • Darin says:

          Our generation is definitely part of the problem,there are few of us who are fully awake and watching.Most of the men my age are obsessed with sports,or cars,or are too busy working to make ends meet to care.The women are even worse,hell most of them voted Obama,many deny it,but the poll numbers don’t lie.

  8. Phil Stephenson says:

    ”Muslims built the very fabric of our nation”

    One question:


  9. First war as a Republic-was against the Barbary Pirates-Islamist-
    Shore of Tripoli-anyone–
    Mr Pres.-Muslims had nothing to do w/ the building of the US Republic–

  10. GW says:

    Let’s go easy now. In fact, the Muslims did play a key role in building our nation. They gave us a standing navy and marine corps, our first war hero as a nation in Stephen Decatur, and a line in our Marine Corps Hymn.

    I can’t think of a thing constructive that Muslims have done since the 12th century. Everywhere they are, everything they touch, it’s death and destruction. I am so tired of the apologists for Islam, our POTUS in particular. We won’t be rid of the problem – we won’t even take the first step to be rid of the problem – until we get a President with the stones to be honest with us and the world about Islam. As far as I’m concerned, Israel is justified in turning Gaza into a parking lot, and Turkey should be out of NATO on its ear for sending the Gaza flotilla. Hell, we, not Israel, should sink it.

  11. Ronbo says:




    • Darin says:

      Can’t tell if those are heading east or west.If west Ft Polk is the most likely destination.If east then Anniston,AL,would be my guess.Anniston does a lot of refurbishment and Ft Polk does a lot of vehicular training/storage.

  12. What a load of horse crap. They only dealings that America had with the Muslims back in the day was when we sent the Marines to Libya and killed them for piracy. Islam and the American Revolution is like oil and water. Like Obama’s declaration that all of our allies hit above their weight, this is nothing more than smoke being pumped up somebody’s backside.

  13. Ronbo says:

    Anything that Obama says is a lie, so this latest polemic in favor of the Muslims should be viewed as the opposite of the truth – and Obama knows it.

    I think El Supremo is just lining up allies in the coming civil war.

  14. john says:

    Obama is soooo full of shit. Muslims never build anything, they only destroy.

  15. Michael in Nelson says:

    Obama is giving a press conference (finally) with the WH press corps. His off-teleprompter replies are peppered with ‘uh’ and his ‘answers’ are almost exclusively whining blame throwing non-solutions to everything. I’d call him Lois Learner’s term for conservatives but assholes are useful. *spit*