Somebody, please buy Susan Devoy a brain

or abolish the idiotic ‘Race Relations Commissioner’ non-job before the clown begins to take herself even more seriously.
Anything more than batting little black balls against a wall seems to be above her intellectual grade.

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11 Responses to Somebody, please buy Susan Devoy a brain

  1. Tom says:

    Another trougher in a position above her abilities.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Idiocracy is a perfect fit for Leftists anywhere in the world:

  3. mistress mara says:

    Devoy was a good squash player. I played the game(badly) and can attest that intelligence is not a requirement to succeed, just an understanding of on-court tactic and physical fitness. As soon as I heard about her appointment to this stupid position, I realised, ipso facto, that indeed she is not that bright. So, two things stand out here. Jamie Whyte is probably too clever and rational to succeed in Politics and Susan Devoy is too stupid to hold Public Office. Oh wait ….

  4. thor42 says:

    Both the RRC and Human Wrongs Commission should be abolished.

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    Just pull the chip out of a Furby, nail it to her head and her IQ would double.

  6. dondiego says:

    Should’ve used Suzy Aiken

    At least a coupla blokes would’ve then feigned interest
    {Closest to aerobics emoticon}

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    ….and this law professor some balls (if Trey Gowdy leaves him any body parts at all)‘i’ll-give-you-some-free-litigation-advice’-trey-gowdy-grills-law-professor-irs-probe