according to the evil brat in the White House.
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Well, that’s one way to get a-head
Barbarian…pure BARBARISM
Are we really in the 21st century
Someone just got cut a new one.
Go house to house, and don’t stop at the firstborn.
1 Samuel 15:3
A policy of extermination is in order.
The Muslims are beyond hope.
Burning a poor little dog is wrong in so many ways:
Just another example of pure evil,killing every god dammed one of them is more than justified
Someone should douse these flea-bitten primates in petrol, light ’em up, and videotape the proceedings, then send the tapes to their mothers.
Facebook deleted this video, but I found another copy and the article concerning this dog burning incident. Based on the language used by the people in the video it was indeed Arabic and of a dialect spoken in Jordan. The date of the incident is not certain, but before 2011. The video was posted a number of times on Facebook over the years, but is always deleted by the Muslim loving staff working there.
If you want to get ahead, get a hat.
I have seen this stuff before and I know about Islamic cruelty, but I couldn’t watch this. The blood pressure medication was not designed to deal with that. Barbaric bastards.
This shit has been known for a long time! Why Western ‘leaders’ chose to ignore the truth about Islam is the greatest mystery of our time.
Because they’re gutless and they really believe they can import a couple of million of these animals and then keep them under control? Or they’re simply doing what their U.N. masters tell them?
I just don’t know KG. Every time they make a policy statement, issue an ultimatum or pontificate about how smart they are, it’s like watching a jellyfish trying to be a vertebrate.