What’s happening on America’s southern border,from a UK newspaper.No chance any US news organization will cover it.
Whether it’s the Middle East,Africa,Eastern Europe,Asia or our own southern border everywhere Obama goes the bodies pile up.
What’s happening on America’s southern border,from a UK newspaper.No chance any US news organization will cover it.
Whether it’s the Middle East,Africa,Eastern Europe,Asia or our own southern border everywhere Obama goes the bodies pile up.
It’s worse than you know. There are whole swaths of Arizona where even the Border Patrol don’t go because the drug lords will end them. There are Mexican military incursions into the U.S., kidnappings of American citizens, and the violence against U.S. law enforcement on the Southern border is reaching epidemic proportions. In short, our Southern border is on fire, and that was before the waves of illegal children started crossing.
The Southern states are desperate for a solution and Obama and the Democrats fiddle while the South goes up in flames. Every lawman or Governor that has tried to do something about this catastrophe has been stymied by Eric Holder’s Justice Department. Hell, the Border Patrol has been subject to numerous revised use of force policies designed to keep them from defending themselves from increasingly aggressive illegals who are now no longer even called illegals because it hurts their poor feelings.
The sound of gunfire is ever present along the Southern border, and where is Washington? Out to lunch. Rick Perry sent the Texas National Guard to his border, and other Governors are considering doing the same. What else is a state to do when Uncle Sam won’t get off of his dead ass? At least until they are sued by the DOJ for infringing upon the Federal purview.
Does anybody hold the left accountable for their mismanagement of the Southern border? Not on your life. Personally, I would round them all up and force them to live along the Mexico border. Maybe that will get them to take the problems down there seriously for a change.
I’m well familiar with it William,we were flooded with illegals here after Hurricane Katrina.They swamped the labor market,bankrupted local hospitals and sent the crime rate through the roof.All that though has been going on forever,it’s Obama that owns this current mess.
A steady drip can be dealt with,but a full bore open flow is unsustainable.The left believes we are a rich nation that can take in and pay for everybody on the planet,open borders and the final destruction of our country is their goal,not just winning a few elections.
I think they way that HBSC is defended by the MSM is the most disgraceful chapter in American journalism ever! They refuse to print/broadcast scandal after scandal, repeat Democrat talking points like they were the Gospels, and portray the country’s enemies as victims.
Don’t even get me started on the Gaza conflict. I saw two political cartoons in NZ papers today that almost made me puke. One actually showed Hamas as a small boy with a slingshot comparing him to a well armed IDF soldier.
If the hangings ever start,they need to start at CBS,NBC,ABC and work up from there.
Let’s also work out from there to the Lame Stream Media everywhere in the West. What surprised me the most about your link was that it directed me to the Daily Mail. Perhaps Mr Barry O’Bama is being found out at last.
Speaking of nearly puking, I was killing time waiting for the Super Rugby final by watching some pig hunting from helicopters on YouTube when this damn ad pops up offering me the chance to meet Laila Heare, Kim Dotcom with special Guest Georgina Beyer at a public get together at a hotel here in Nelson on the 6th. Those three in the same room for a couple of hours!
Build the fucking fence and be done with it. I remember hitch hiking from West Germany to Berlin before the wall came down and there was a fence all the way, so no one can tell me America can’t do the same.
The sad part is we wouldn’t even need a fence IF current laws where simply enforced.There is no move to do that by either party however.The Dems want votes and an ever increasing welfare state.The Republicans want cheap labor,in the end the American people get screwed.
Hell before the welfare state began here we had open immigration,all one needed to do was come here,assimilate and work hard.But then the libs took assimilate and work out of the process and here we are.
There have been numerous bills that actually fund a fence along our southern border. They build a few miles of it, call a press conference and tell the news that they are doing everything that they can do, and then they pack everything up and head home leaving miles wide gaps in the line. That has been the history for the past 40 years.
When Reagan was President, he granted immunity to six million illegals living in the U.S. and promised the American people that they would never be given amnesty again. Now here we are talking about amnesty once again, only this time there are 12 to 20 million illegals in the United States. The USA has been wrestling with immigration policy for around 100 years, and we still don’t have a handle on it.
What has changed is that the left now wants open borders and let anybody just walk into the country from anywhere in the world with anything. In today’s world, that is unbelievably stupid. Sooner or later, folks will begin to take the law into their own hands because the government won’t do it’s job. Watch what happens then and know that it could have been prevented, but for the actions of the insane left.
I hate to say this, I know I’ll be taken wrong, but the worse it gets under Obama, the better for us patriots who want a Second American Revolution.
The truth is that crap as the present Progressive regime in it’s quest to reduce a First World country into the third world there are still too places in the United States, like Seattle, where things look pretty good for the average man or woman.
So I ask: Will people who are still fat, dumb and happy rebel No, they won’t And from the revolutionist viewpoint this is very bad news.
Therefore, my hope is that soon Obama will tank the economy and wipe out the islands of fair dreams like Seattle reducing most of the population to poverty worse than the Great Depression.
Only when zero is reached the American People will listen to the revolutionaries like me and march on Washington, D.C. with anger in their eyes, guns in their hands and rope in their knapsacks.
I am English and have no direct experience of these events. Are there similar problems along the forty-ninth parallel? Might the US do as France and send them forward towards England (Canada)? It’s becoming a numbers game, GDP is being determined by population, not production. People are consumers and/or producers. Each contributes to this “mystical” thing called national wealth. How dare they, how the FUCK dare they?
The Southern border is likely to be the biggest scandal because of who is getting through….
Can you say ‘Terrorists’?
hmmm. Like the story I read somewhere recently (can’t find the link now) about the number of people with Mexican driver’s licences who can’t speak English or Spanish, but seem quite fluent in Arabic and Farsi.
Is it “high crimes and misdemeanors” yet?