‘Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters. Merica was there covering a pro-Hamas rally by the communist terrorist support group ANSWER being held at Lafayette Park….’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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And this….
More fatherless kids to be brought up by the tax payer. And I see Portia De Rossi is being abused by her disgusting degenerate dyke “wife”. That gay “marriage” thing’s not going too well with all the divorces piling up and not being reported by the breathless media.
Keith I’ve sent you an email.
The reason so many people are moving to Texas….
John Voight gets it right-
Don’t you all find it interesting that it was the pro-Israel folks ‘evacuated’ by police vans and not the terroist-anti-US HAMAS islamists>>>
Sure do, Carol. That was the first thing that struck me about this.
Just as in Britain, where the police move protesters on (and even arrest them) “for their own safety”, leaving the field to the islamists.
It’s the same all over the West and it’s no secret what side our political masters are on.
Wake me when you folks are ready for a Regime Change
It’s the only solution to our problems.
Similar events are happening in Europe as well. It is interesting that the would be murderer’s objection to the victim’s use of force to defend himself from attack has found such favor in the leftist mind. The Palestinians have praised Hitler and celebrate the Holocaust, they still promote blood libel, they burn down synagogues and murder Jews, they lie, cheat, and steal and it is they who are called the victims by the rabid press who wail at the terrible loss of life of the aggressors who hide behind human shields like the cowards that they are. Worse, the Palestinians teach their children to hate the Jews so that their tradition of violence and bloodshed can continue indefinitely.
The left is truly a piece of work to advocate institutionalized hatred for a people based solely on their religion. So much for leftist tolerance and love. It is clear that the only love that they bear, is for those who do not even deserve to be called human. If that isn’t a stark example of the perversity of the left, then I don’t know what is. Birds of a feather indeed.
Damn right, William. And it’s the perfect indicator of how much mercy they would show us should they ever gain unbridled power.
The mercy of Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin if they win.
…and people say I’m radical because I want all Leftists/Progressives/Socialists/Islamists dead. dead, DEAD
I don’t want to co-exist with them.
I don’t want to be neighbors with them.
I don’t want to talk/argue with them.
I just want them dead and burned to ashes and the ashes flushed down the sewers
The Golden Rule: “Do unto evil, as evil would do unto you; BUT DAMN IT ALL, DO IT FIRST “
The worst disease since the Black Death that has the potential to wipe out half the people on the planet is met with jokes on America television by Leftists.
We’re doing the same thing in Australia, when thugs kick and scream, everyone else must be quiet and move along. Jews will be pushed away and sacrificed because we haven’t got the spine or the brain to see the future or learn from the past.