Recall if you will the moment Hillary Clinton first blamed her and her husband’s problems on the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that she asserted existed.At the time the conspiracy members consisted of Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge,just two members,not even enough to technically have a conspiracy and two people never really even working together in the same medium.
Basically the whole thing was a lie,another liberal Unicorn,a figment of a deranged imagination.As these things go it was however repeated often enough to become a mantra,a liberal reality,it still doesn’t exist and simply believing it does still does not a reality make.It’s to the point that anyone claiming Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are real has more credibility.
On the flip side Conservatives are always pointing out reality which instantly causes a massive knee jerk on the left to dis-credit,blow off and downright call Conservatives liars for pointing out the bleeding obvious.This tendency exists regardless of the subject and regardless of how straightforward and glaringly obvious the evidence is.If there is one thing reliable about Liberals it is that they are reliably crazy.With the evidence we have on hand we can safely say that liberals will deny the existence of anything that doesn’t fit their reality and shout from the roof tops anything that does.
So to me it comes as no surprise that our fellow “conspirator” Matt Drudge today has posted an article that reveals the existence of a 1,000 member left wing progressive media cabal.
So there we have it,once again we have proof that what we thought existed in fact does.The conspiracy among left wing journalists to push propaganda and cover for political elites in fact does exist and has been operating for sometime.
Of course nothing will come of it and no one will likely lose their jobs over this,however it is good sometimes to know we were right.
While reading the above I gradually formed a reply, your final paragraph was my reply.
Mine too.
Speaking of liberal imagination-land, this, via Breitbart:
‘Michelle Obama: ‘Women Are Smarter Than Men’
That must be why there are so many female physicists, ja?
My girlfriend is a physicist.
This is not the first such group to be uncovered. Does anyone remember the Journlist cabal that placed lies in the media pipeline to bog down Republicans during Obama’s election to keep them off balance and so that Obama would not receive too much scrutiny? I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that this group is one of several with the same agenda. Frankly, I would use RICO statutes to go after them, but Eric Holder would never allow that.
The threat to American liberty is far greater than we know, and far more coordinated.
Lefties also hate being quoted, they think it’s so unfair when people quote them abusing people and shrieking hysterically.
It was a while back I read it, can’t remember the source, but someone high up the CNN food-chain admitted they’re a lefty propaganda outlet.
[If I get a flashback where I saw it I’ll look it up and link]
My favorite Left conspiracy was, “ATTACK WATCH” in 2009 whereby Leftists would fan out all over the Internet and attack anyone saying a bad word about The Magic Negro” and create a proscription list of Rightists.
The project collapsed in laughter when Rush Limbaugh ran a parody promo on his radio program and Rightists on the Internet started massive counter attacks on “ATTACK WATCH”.