Something seldom seen in the media

“Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge”

Whodda thought that criminals fear being shot?

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13 Responses to Something seldom seen in the media

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    Concealed carry. Ohio doesn’t have open carry & certainly doesn’t have open use.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Jeez, it seems the old adage “An armed society is a polite society” even applies in Prog Lib hell-holes like Sharptonville!

  3. andy5759 says:

    After the school slaughter in Scotland we had a knee-jerk moment when the call to ban handguns was deafening. My little lone voice was ignored. Why, I asked, should we leave the most appropriate means of personal protection in the hands of those who would wish to oppress us? The question still stands.

  4. GW says:

    New study from a left wing think tank that there is no cause and effect here coming in 3….2…..1……

  5. Phil Stephenson says:

    This reader’s comment on the linked article says it all:

    NeoPrudentist> get2djnow •15 hours ago
    It’s like I always say: your average street criminal might be willing to kill YOU for your wallet, but rarely do you find one willing to die for it himself…

  6. Robertv says:

    In America, there are 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations, 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines and 2,400 publishers owned by only 6 corporations.

    • Darin says:

      CNN only has the audience they do because every TV in the lobby of every government building over here has CNN locked in.When I take my Dad to the VA for his checkup that’s always what they have on in the waiting room.

      I usually ask if anyone else minds if I change the channel,if they don’t I change it to FOX.

      So far nobody has complained,not that it would matter :mrgreen:

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Here’s something else seldom seen in the media…the truth from an insider on how the media reports the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. (In this case the term Palestinian is used as a generic for bastard savages)