world-first spine implant?

‘SHOCK POLL puts UKIP in 44 Point Lead Over Tories in Clacton’
Perhaps the days of that smirking, oleaginous pseudo-conservative Cameron are numbered – and Brits will throw out the rest of the muslim-panderers along with him.
We can hope.

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4 Responses to world-first spine implant?

  1. Ronbo says:

    The British Tea Party has spoken :!:

    …and all indications are that the American Tea Party will also speak truth to power in the November Congressional elections :!:

    But is it a case of too little, too late to avoid the coming insurrection from a pissed off and anti Big Government middle class(s) :?:

    Somehow, I just can’t see Elite Ruling Classes stepping aside peacefully and going quietly into the dark night as the result of election.

  2. Seneca III says:

    It may be a case of ‘too little too late’, Ronbo, but not necessarily so. Here on the ground, moving amongst my people, talking with them, sharing their hopes and fears and at last seeing the new shoots of their awakening I am encouraged now to hold some hope that all is not lost.
    Furthermore the ‘too little’ aspect is now becoming less than little and has the potential to become larger as we throw off our fears of the established meme and voice our thoughts and, yes, begin to express our (illegal) hatred of those who would exercise and encourage our ethnic cleansing.
    One only has to look at the tone of the still heavily moderated comments appended to those on-line media outlets that permit commenting to get the flavour.
    As for the ‘too late’ that is yet to be determined; these are the early days of the fight back and it is impossible to project how high the volume will go nor its inevitable impact upon our immediate future.
    However history demonstrates that certain things, particularly seminal changes in the mind-set of a previously carefully and calculatedly conditioned body politic, when they begin to realise they have nothing left to lose but their chains, do have a nasty habit of coming to pass beyond all expectations and, outside of the desperate terminal outpourings of the London Metropolitan Leftard-Islamofascist media there is, as previously mentioned, an increasing groundswell of serious discontent that is being reflected in the highly moderated but still indicative comments of those media outlets that do permit comment (not, of course the BBC which doesn’t and does not need to because of its status as an enforceable tax beneficiary).
    Other things are also happening, particularly in the way of thinking to be found in a thickening and hardening fringe of our benighted country, and an awareness of that fringe is slowly but more and more moving into the main stream of our socio-political future.
    But, of course, not being a seventh century prophet having just stumbled out of the desert at the end of the Hashish season with my eyeballs rotating in opposite directions and a holy book in one hand and a sword in the other I really can’t project any further than that other than except to say that soon there is going to be a resolution, a reckoning, and there certainly will be blood, metaphoric or actual I care not which. S III.

    • KG says: Fingers crossed, Seneca. The land of my fathers may yet recover her dignity and some semblance of liberty.

  3. Rod says:

    I hope that the robots that vote Labour because Dad did will also change to UKIP. Hopefully we will get a majority party that gives first thought to its white native population. The Cons, labour and LibDems become history.