‘Read it ten times. You still might not believe it. ‘


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3 Responses to ‘Read it ten times. You still might not believe it. ‘

  1. Ronbo says:

    I believe it – It’s another example of a black racist HUSH CRIME against whites that is ignored by the lamestream media.

    Those blacks are lucky some old white veteran like Ronbo wasn’t on that bus with a 9mm Beretta…15 rounds in the gun, and an extra magazine of 15 additional hollow point slugs would make a big hole in many black heart.

    It’s what we in the military call a “target rich environment.” :mrgreen:

    ….and the upside is the deaths of upwards of 30 blacks by one old white man in self defense would have gotten all kinds of lamestream media and law enforcement attention….not to mention starting a race war.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    Having said that, the whites did exercise poor judgment by getting on a bus full of blacks in an urban area, but I suppose they believed in the Leftist PC doctrine that says blacks are nice civilized folks who cannot be racists. :shock:

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Saw this on Theo Spark last night. Not much of a progression on the knockout game or other young black mob attacks on whites that don’t get reported either. It took video evidence before the police acted on this one. As for a Patriot with concealed carry, such permits are rare in Baltimore. Remember this is another city run by Democrats for years.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Here’s another item that you might want to read more than once. Not because it is an example of the politically correct sheilding barbarians but because of the common sense finally exhibit. I note the dissenters are all ugly leftist women (but I repeat myself).
