Very sad news for those of us who look forward to The Woodpile Report every week. A fine writer, a gentleman and a unique voice.
‘Hello. I’m stepping out from behind my Remus persona to tell you something directly. Woodpile Report will come to an end soon, a month say, maybe sooner. Yep, jes like that. Gone. Why? Well, it’s been fun. I’ve enjoyed doing it. I’ll miss it. But I won’t miss it enough to keep doing it for ten more years. And I’ve put off other things long enough. So it’s time for ol’ Remus to tap the dottle from his pipe, get his coat ‘n hat and go back to where he came from. I now return you to your regularly scheduled Woodpile Report. Remus, take it away.’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Sorry to see this happen.
I haven’t followed the “Woodpile Report” for all that long (maybe a year or so) but from what I have seen it’s been a great site.
Lots of intelligent commentary and insight there.
It will be missed.
Dammit is right,now what do we do for our Woodpile fix?
I don’t think Remus keeps archives, so we can’t spend many an idle hour ratting through back issues.
Lemme guess… a couple of friend Osama-bin-Kenya FBI agents finally broke the anonymity and had a little “chat” …. nice family you’ve got there… kids and grand kids who go to church each sunday. Be a big “shame” if anything happened to ’em.
Big “shame”. So howsabout you “retire”?
Only sure cure for Ebola is 20grams of lead.
I was shocked when I read that Remus was going over the hill, but I realized that he was doing this as a hobby and not a vocation.
We’ll see if he can really give up blogging, I know many a blogger who said, “This is my last post” and go away for some R&R only to come back.
Blogging is addictive.
He’s a mountain man, Ronbo.
Reckon I’ll be taking him at his word.
Dammit is right , i love his writing and his great taste in American/European painting Artists.American culture & history will lose a revival without him
It’s up to us to fill this gap and push ahead against those who want our Judeo Christian civilization to go into the night forever. 
I will miss him-
Will be greatly missed. A must-read, top shelf blogger.
Nothing is forever.
Robertv. Drat, I will now spend too much time catching up with Queen. But as you say, nothing is forever.
Ever since I stumbled upon Remus I have made a point of looking him up every Monday evening (UK). Does he have another online persona? Maybe, like Timothy Leary, he’s out there somewhere? He leaves a huge gap.
As far as I know, Andy, that’s it. He occasionally writes a post over at Liberty’s Torch (right sidebar>>) but they’re few and far between.
Thanks, I honestly thought he was an alter-ego of f w p. So that’s it. F ing shame, more of a loss for Americans than me in England but really a loss to us all.
Ain’t that the truth.