Well, that should buy a few more dead Jews….you idiot.

SCCZEN_AP141110055940_620x310 ‘Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai said she is giving her entire winnings from a children’s rights award to help rebuild schools in war-ravaged Gaza…’     Link
To re-build schools….which, of course, were targeted because hamasthugs have a fondness for using them as handy firing points. But nobody’s mentioning that inconvenient fact. How bloody desperate are people for a hero – any hero – when they give such prominence and uncritical fawning approval to this girl?

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7 Responses to Well, that should buy a few more dead Jews….you idiot.

  1. Ronbo says:

    This is wrong in so many ways :!: :shock:

    I wonder if she gave in to a death threat if she didn’t give her money to Gaza :?:


    These Islamist bastards will do anything for a P.R. coup like this one. :evil:

    • KG says:

      She’s certainly being managed, Ronbo. But I think she’s merely been identified as a useful product and groomed and used accordingly.
      And a public addicted to “celebrities” laps it up uncritically.

  2. k2 says:

    Thanks for continuing the legacy of the Nobel Peace Prize as a bad joke.

  3. Brown says:

    Give her a break guys – she did take a bullet after all for flipping the bird to the Taliban and that did dent their PR machine for quite a while. She’s Muslim so its not unexpected she would do something where she thinks education for kids will improve things. A lot of Palestinians are sick of Hamas, just like the Yanks are sick of Obama, but you are stuck within a system. The trick now is to keep the money out of the hands of Hamas.

    • KG says:

      Donate to rebuild Gaza=donate to Hamas. There is no way to keep the money out of the hands of Hamas.

  4. Darin says:

    Someone should tell her that the same arseholes that shot her in the head are the same arseholes who stuff schools full of rockets in Gaza.Not much room for learning when the classrooms are full of Qassams.
