‘The United States expressed concern about the unrest, in a statement issued by the White House press secretary’s office.
“We believe democratic institutions are strengthened when established rules are adhered to with consistency,” it said.
“…President Obama fully intends to put this principle into practice here in America. As soon after the current round of fundraisers and golfing engagements allow”
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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!!!RREZ!!!*BlackBerry has phoned from the 13th hole 2 hold everything until he gets back! Spexcial events are scheduled for his return we here in BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound R being advised via our Israeli produced red earplugs permanently embedded within our craniums as an extra feature !!!OOPS!!!Will the bog administraitor please stop lettN that son ofa bitch post on these pages omg forgot to take my morning round of meds ..,,;;;”””
*Rinda Roverace Empowerment Zone!!
It appears that Harvard may be “losing it.”
One must remember that the God Damn America Americans with itchy fingers are fortified with multi-millions of hollow point bullets just waiting to be tried out against someone. Not to mention a wide assortment of God Damn America armaments – perhaps a few built with retooled antique Russkie parts. Possibly a few Over the Mountain Men with Kentucky rifles will appear at just the right moment and will resolutely not be returning salutes made with Styrofoam cups. Just thinking. God Bless America for real.
NONO! He’s fine, Contempt. It’s just the medication following the expected course.
This post is not without a certain ironic element. The banana republic that is the current United States of America is lecturing a third-world nation on adherence to established rules? Why pay to hear comedians when you can listen to politicians for free?
The core document of the now Banana States of Baja Canada (BSBC) has been treated as a joke by our political class for over 100 years, but the Bkers are supposed to pay attention to what one of President Mohammed Twinkletoes’s minions has to say about established rules.
I just find the lack of self-awareness operating within this Administration something to behold with a kind of stunned wonder. Outside of genuine, screaming lock-’em-up lunatics I’ve never seen it approaching anything like these levels, Colonel.
Perhaps the last days of Rome looked somewhat similar?
“…established rules are adhered to with consistency.”
Umm….. I’m not in the States but hasn’t the Obama administration been ignoring the Constitution a few times?