Open house

0400 and there’s a gale blowing, I feel distinctly worse than yesterday. This will be a long day…….

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19 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘..Not only have women been a majority of the voters in recent elections (53% in 2012), they also kept President Obama in the Oval Office (55% of those women — nearly 30% of all voters — voted for President Obama in 2012). Obviously, women — specifically, unmarried women — decided the 2012 election….’—-vote-tuesday

    God help us.

  2. Contempt says:

    KG maybe this woman will save us!

  3. tranquil says:

    Very sorry to hear that you’re feeling so bad KG.

    Have you tried some of that manuka honey?
    It’s great stuff – I haven’t had a bug yet that it hasn’t killed in hours.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Forget halloween costumes and practical jokes, here’s something truly frightening.

    • KG says:

      I’m waiting to hear of one – JUST ONE – problem the lying bastard’s Administration has solved.
      Perhaps prison overcrowding?
      ‘Obama Admin. Released Illegal Aliens Charged with Murder, Drug Trafficking, Sex Assault
      The Obama Administration lied last year when they informed Congress and the public that the 2,200 people that the Administration released from incarceration to save money had only minor criminal records.’

    • tranquil says:

      “Tomorrow he’ll meet with some healthcare workers who’ve returned from West Africa.”

      Oh, pleeeease let there be a few million ebola viruses popping over from one of these workers to tour Obama’s system…….
      Pleeeeeease…… :twisted:

      • KG says:

        Hope springs eternal, Tranquil. :lol:

        (Got Manuka honey, by the way. Thanks for the tip. )

      • Pascal says:

        Sorry tranquil. Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind here that these healthcare workers from West Africa have been pre-screened to the point of absurdity?

        Could it be possible that friends of Obola arranged the meeting? The “healthcare workers” came from West Hollywood by-way of passing over Africa, and West-Africa is merely today’s shorthand as demonstrated by Hillary’s “no jobs from industry” gaffe?

        Oh, forget these helpful but playful bets Wabbit fans. Who here would doubt that the Obola admin would not simply lie about this? The brazen bastards make lies out of whole cloth firmly aware that the SSM not only never exposes any part of them, SSM invents another round of denier witch-hunts to broadcast 24/7 for each one.

        Hollywood, East or West: it’s still the same old shitz.

    • tranquil says:

      I second that, KG.

      I mean, big deal – a pic of women in underwear, the kind of pic that makes up every 4th or 5th page in a women’s mag.
      Gee, “hold the front page”….. :roll:

      I’ll bet those women get paid good money to flaunt their bods. They’re not hurting anyone so who gives a toss what this woman says?

      She’s burbling on about “oh the ordinary girls will feel hurt”. Well, they need to learn to *deal with it*. What about plain-looking little 5 foot 6 inch *me* at the high-school dances back in the 70s?
      I can say that “ordinary girls” are still capable of rejection. I dealt with it and hardened up and so should this lady.

      • KG says:

        And people like her get so wrought up about girls dealing with unfavourable comparisons with about 1% of the population, nature’s gifted freaks….how about boys having to do the same? That’s somehow less important, it seems, because boys are those crude unfeeling animals who make sexism possible in the first place.
        The whole thing is absurd, a pet cause for people with too much time on their hands.
        Let’s give both girls and boys a break– let both grow up as far as possible unburdened with the suburban obsessions dejour of motherhood.

        • tranquil says:

          “Let’s give both girls and boys a break– let both grow up as far as possible unburdened with the suburban obsessions dejour of motherhood.”

          Excellent and common-sense advice there KG.

  5. tranquil says:

    Hey Darin –
    I don’t know if you’ve heard but there’s a big rugby game this weekend in your neck of the woods. The NZ All Blacks vs the USA Eagles – it’s being played in Chicago.

    Here’s a background page on things – click on the small circles in the blue heading to move through the pages.

    • Darin says:

      Thanks for that,but I’m no big fan of any of the “ball” sports.I might watch one or two games if one of the local teams is headed to the championship.

      Other than that the only sports I follow are NHRA drag racing and Baja Racing,even those are losing their appeal though :sad: