‘Thousands of state houses could be put on the market despite the Government earlier ruling out selling off more state assets after this year’s general election.
….”People are living in cars and garages and in caravans in camping grounds. The Government doesn’t have a mandate for this asset sale.”
(Said the Labour Party’s acting deputy leader Annette King.)
For one of the very few times in my adult life, I agree with a leftist politician. The issue here isn’t that State housing has become a poorly managed social asset as well as a lowlife incubation pond in some areas.
The real issue is that Key and Gang have cut deals in secrecy to hand over billions of dollar’s worth of taxpayer’s assets (forget talk of “government-owned” assets – Government owns nothing, only taxpayers do) in addition to the billions they’ve already shovelled to Maori on the pretext of “partnership” and “treaty obligations”. Both of which are carefully constructed and maintained shams which in the private sector would surely be the result of Serious Fraud Office investigations.
Qui Bono?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Never have I been to NZ and I don’t know that much about the governmental systems there,but here is what I think will happen-
The houses won’t be sold directly to individuals.They will be “bought” by “public/private partnerships”aka NGO’s and even though these houses will be technically “sold” the taxpayers,at the beck and call of the NGO,will still be paying for the upkeep and maintenance of these homes.
Or,they could go the full polito-slumlord route and sell off the housing to their politically connected cronies.They will then handout “maintenance and rehabilitation” grants to remodel them and the remodelling process will of course be done in a “green” manner requiring all sorts of consultants and architects (more cronies)
No matter what happens,each of these houses ten years from now will be in worse shape than they are now and will have cost the taxpayers the same amount as a nice Villa in the south of France.Why do I know these things?Because anytime “public housing” or “low income housing” or any similar thing is mentioned you can bet that liberal statist progressive socialists are involved and they ALWAYS take care of their own FIRST and to hell with everyone else.
I am all for a government selling off assets and becoming smaller,but this isn’t it.All this will do is make the housing situation worse so that in coming years the ones pulling the levers and calling the shots will be able to argue for more brandnew government housing.No money will be saved and the government will continue to grow and consume money taken from the working classes.
If they want to sell off some houses,be fair about it and reduce the taxpayer burden there is only one way to go about it.An auction,on the courthouse steps,8:00 am all comers welcome,cash only and let the chips fall where they may.
How did I do?
“I am all for a government selling off assets and becoming smaller,but this isn’t it.All this will do is make the housing situation worse so that in coming years the ones pulling the levers and calling the shots will be able to argue for more brandnew government housing.No money will be saved and the government will continue to grow and consume money taken from the working classes…”
Thank you Darin , USA has been the model of private social housing and it is, and will always be, a complete DISASTER , the bastards are completing the first one in my backyard of Manukau in Weymouth.This policy will only end up as pockets of ghettos and Islam and maori gangsters are rubbing it’s collective hands together in glee.Fuc0k you key-findalyson-grosser-micklay , FUA!(fuck you all) sorry bout the languge , im worried
All true,”mixed income housing” is the latest scam.Nobody will let them build new high rise concentrated housing projects since the outcome is always the same.So now they are dispersing the poverty,spreading the suck as I like to call it.
Speaking of Atlanta,one of the first signs of decay is when the city’s own public works departments go idle.Lot of good machinery going to waste here-