Tiny minority strikes again:

‘IS massacres hundreds
Islamic State militants kill 322 Iraqi tribe members including women and children, whose bodies were dumped in a well…’

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8 Responses to Tiny minority strikes again:

  1. Robertv says:

    He who has the guns rules.


  2. tranquil says:

    A few dozen nukes applied to that part of the world could do *so* much good.
    Include Pakistan, Indonesia and the other Islamic countries on the receiving end and the world would be *massively* better off.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Muslims killing Muslims….I hate to sound cold and callous, but a religion whose guide called The Koran with its 164 murder verses commands the followers to do genocide often falls on the head of co-religionists.

    There is a reason why less then 3% of Iran’s population attend the Mosque.

    • tranquil says:

      Yep, Sweden is doomed – there is no return for them now.
      I wonder if we will hear anyone there sqealing (as sharia government is brought in) – “Nooo! How stupid we were! If only we’d listened to the warnings! If only we’d voted for the Swedish Democrats!”

      I’m not expecting any squeals. They’ve all been completely brainwashed by the left over there.

      • KG says:

        “They’ve all been completely brainwashed by the left over there.”
        It sure looks that way.