‘Obama Warns: If Republicans Pass Immigration Reform, Executive Amnesty ‘Goes Away’
Republican Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee of Utah, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, and David Vitter of Louisiana have risen to the occasion, sending a letter to lame-duck Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Wednesday, saying that if Obama takes unilateral action to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, it “will create a constitutional crisis.”….’
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I see the Republicans “working” with Obama in the following way. Obama threatens total executive amnesty and the Republicans, after making lots of tough talk, make a “deal” to limit it to people already in the country and an increase in the number of immigrants allowed in each year. The Republicans then have the fig leaf of “… we had to do it or it would have been worse.” and Obama gets his egotastic “The President who freed the illegal immigrants and gays” legacy. I’m sure the Dems will throw in a few obvious “cuts” in Obamacare making it more or less solvent and leaving the country more than halfway to single payer health care and a lot more socialist.
Reagan weeps.
That’s exactly how I see it unfolding, k2.
the weak Rs never change-
The Elite Beltway Republican Big Government Establishment will try to do exactly what you say k2, after all, new illegal immigrants will work for their Chamber of Commerce Enablers off the books for pocket change; however, there exists a large cadre of Tea Party Republicans who will attempt to block any compromise with Obama, as they know to legalize upwards of 20 million illegals in one fell swoop spells the end of American Republic.
Like Rush Limbaugh famously said, We The People hired the GOP to do one little thing: STOP OBAMA
Whether the Elites GOPer know it or not, We The People have put them on “Double Secret Probation” – either they do the right and stop Obama dead in his tracks, or we fire their big white butts come 2016 and form the American chapter of the UKIP
And another thing…A second and even more destructive civil war waits in the wings like a ticking time bomb, so the Leftist Political Establishment must be crushed somehow by the Republican Party using peaceful means, otherwise the bomb goes off.
These are revolutionary times and the GOP needs to start acting like revolutionists, or be prepared to be in our rear view mirrors….
“will create a constitutional crisis.”….’
What that should have said-
“or we will impeach that M—-F—-er”
Dream on little broomstick cowboys. There will only be a symbolic 2016 if oBowa et al are not stopped in their tracks. How THAT will happen remains to unfold.