Dr Elizabeth Hanna, the president of the Climate and Health Alliance:
‘Tony Abbott’s declaration that coal is good for humanity has been attacked by Australian National University academic Elizabeth Hanna, who warns thousands of people will be sentenced to death if Australia keeps exporting it.’
“Dr.” Hanna’s credentials?
Environmental And Occupational Health And Safety
Environmental Sciences Not Elsewhere Classified
Environmental Impact Assessment
Clinical Nursing: Primary (Preventative)
Public Health And Health Services
Intensive Care
Other Medical And Health Sciences
via Andrew Bolt
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Abbott should fire the ignorant bitch
The Leftards should preach their crap on their dime
The chief pretentious nobody is currently reading the dedication to Alonzo Cushing as he posthumously awards him the Medal of Honor. It looks and sounds like it is the first time he has read the dedication. The Marine repeating the dedication did a far better job.
Da Vinci – great art- Baby in Womb- he was so ahead of his time–and today’s “science”..
The essentially unemployed lecturing to the unemployable! How these bints get to imagine that they hold anything close to a genuine grasp on reality escapes me.
“who warns thousands of people will be sentenced to death if Australia keeps exporting [coal].”
WTF? Do those “thousands” get to live if Indonesia exports it instead? This is just another silly official warning from a grey one. The sort that is best ignored.