Meet the new boss

same as the old boss:
‘McConnell, Boehner Ignore Border, Immigration, Amnesty Crisis in WSJ Op-Ed’

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2 Responses to Meet the new boss

  1. pascal says:

    The base plus a whole bunch of pissed off independents are the primary reason the GOP won so handily. However, now we are faced with a coalition of the GOPe and Dem Statists who are still steering the American republic towards oblivion. Think of them as one more party — the party of the ruling class if you will — with whom we have to battle.

    How do we do battle? Let’s start simply.

    I’ve been saying to all in earshot that it’s important to back the most trusted newcomers so that they do not feel abandoned. And you know the Soviet-style media will be working overtime to isolate each and every real conservative in the manner prescribed by Saul Alinsky.

    Our object needs to be to reverse that tactic and make the Boehners and McConnells feel like they want to hide away from us. They should not be able to go anywhere and not hear boos and catcalls from the Right.