From the NZ Herald travel page:
‘Visitors to South Africa are encouraged to walk in the footsteps of Mandela’
They get to bomb a supermarket and hang out with hard-line communist terrorists as part of the experience?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Thank God I’m a country boy!
You’re a bad, bad man darin. I do love me some country (sad, but I’m watching the CMA Awards on download as I type!)
Here we go, folks. First gladiator into the ring for 2016…
Notice the comments section,typical liberal shit,he’s not the “right” kind of nigger you see.
Yep, he’s one that escaped the plantation you see.
Remember, every time a liberal’s head explodes, an angel gets her wings.
Did you notice that for a party made up of racist old white guys that hate minorities we Republicans sure did elect a whole slew of women and minority candidates Tuesday past?
Sssshhhhh Darin! The MSM might actually notice and report on it.
And pigs, of course, may reach V1 and take off…..
Oh stop it with your tokenism, you racist whitey tea-bagging islamophobe homophobe!
“racist whitey” is redundant, since only whitey can be racist. Any fool knows that.
You left out sitting on the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party, throwing a tantrum because you find out that you will not be the first terrorist with nuclear weapons, hanging out with Gaddafi, Arafat, Castro and Mugabe, accepting a peace prize for not allowing a country to end up with a civil war and accepting money from Business SA for the same – having started a civil war 40 years earlier, accepting large bribes from European arms dealers for buying warships and fighter planes that are not needed, being lauded for starting a children’s fund but using it to channel money into a fund for your own children, etc, etc. Truly an idol of the left.
All too damn true, Mawm.
No wonder leftards and useful morons (but I repeat myself) revered the p.o.s.
The only I fact I find simple to accept about Mandela is that he did the crime and did the time. The leftie msm seems to think this fact elevates him to sainthood, even his mendacious wife wouldn’t agree to that! His funeral was a world-wide love-in/farce attended by such “nobility” as Obama and Hone Harawira. A few years ago Mrs Obama visited South Africa and took with her the message that as a black woman, she and the impoverished locals formed a “sisterhood.” What garbage!
There is an unquenchable desire in Washington for those who can spout rubbish more or less unabated.
The Nobel Peace Price does not carry with it the majesty of the science prizes as it requires little more than an overly puffed-up ego and a loudmouth to acquire. If you look down the list of the recipients in the past 30 odd years they are generally a motley bunch. Some samples: Bishop Tutu, Al Gore, Obama, Mother Theresa (The Patron Saint of Hypocrisy,) Anwar Sadat, generally speaking opportunists of the first order.
“The Nobel Peace Price does not carry with it the majesty of the science prizes as it requires little more than an overly puffed-up ego and a loudmouth to acquire. ”
Damn right.
The Thug Life episode #522-
These people are self-satirizing:
‘On November 12, 2014 a colloquium by the artec research centre for sustainability is taking place at the University of Bremen at 4 pm. The colloquium focuses on a topic that has long been a pressing issue and has been the source of many sleepless nights:
‘Value creation and value appreciation: Gender division of labor in climate change’
‘Value creation and value appreciation: Gender division of labor in climate change’
I have a University degree and worked in science for a long time and I have no idea how the hell this topic could provide any advancement of knowledge or understanding much propose a solution. I can guarantee the ‘lecture/discussion will be filled with inanities and banal irrelevant references to ‘equality’…oh and a plea for funding for more research.
*%$#@ Apple. Downloaded “Yosemite” and now the computer does not display the Url of links in the address bar. So I cannot attach links to my blogs any more. Also it has the appearance of a cheap copy of OS X made of China. It has lots of changes that are going to take time to get used to and my eyes are glazed over from reading “tech” sites on how to do things. Can computer nerds speak English?
” Can computer nerds speak English?”
I’m still running Mountain Lion, because it works perfectly well and there’s no need to change.
If you still have the disc for your previous version of OSx, Mawm, it should be a no-brainer to change things back until they sort out Yosemite.
I hate this bullshit. Why the hell do we have to put up with “iCloud” and inter-operability with various ‘phone systems and so forth?
All I want is a ‘phone to ring people and receive calls and I want the vendor of the O/S and browser I use to fuck off and leave me free to opt in. Or not.
This is nothing but a naked grab for more power, more surveillance and more revenue.
And the concept of privacy is now dead.
Yeah, the Clouds working so well – not. They kept on threatening me with loss of my diary, etc if I didn’t sign up for iCloud. Eventually I had to force quit the set up.
I have never had any discs as it came preloaded and all upgrades have been on the net……..for free! Yeah, right.
I can post you the discs for an earlier O/S Mawm, that works well.
Thanks. I’ll try Linux Mint and see how I go.
It takes a little getting used to, but it works brilliantly on my lappie.
Question: Imagine that there had been no African slaves brought to the new world. Answer: They would all still be in Africa. Plus, they would all be trying to get to America. No I am not a racist. Damn.
!!!CBAZZTF*!!!BlackBerry onkly take orders from Diplomatic Pouch who don’t know that? like here in the Kompound breaking news is that BlackBerry be trending toward the links to get his mind back on track well things developing down here for the legal illegals is that @ D conclusion of the game which trending developing late breaking rumor is that a feast will be administered at O’Keefe’s Pub N Tub serving poisonous feral barbecued pig featuring O’Keefe’s special sauce !!!OOOOPPPPZZZZ!!!gotta beep later HarvardPotatoHead
*Cointempt Be A ZZ Top Fan so for he exspeckally yours very trulililily play this tune. Harvard School of Conchstitutionul Law girls appear in this ditty.
‘Poll: 39% of Democrats Want Obama to Run for a Third Term’
Just how thick are these people?
Never underestimate stupid.
Terminally stupid on a Galactic level,so stupid we need a new quantifier to describe it as no word currently in use on this Earth can adequately describe the level of stupidity these “people”display.
The VA scandal just gets worse and worse.
Words fail me.
From the article-“VA has a process in place to identify such items that come in, so that they do not get to the patient.”
Which is complete bull shyte
My Father could write volumes on the crappy junk Pelosi and company ushered in starting in 2007.Supplies from the lowest bidder would be an improvement over what they have now.